
ZSphere Model wip - Update-Pages: 1, 2 - Latest Update: May 4th

Thank you for your kind 121 :slight_smile:

Here is the updated hand (still wip)…


dpvtank: The soft-GI is done with GI shadows. See this and this (includes a sample document) . There are many more excellent threads by other ZBC members (including GI-settings,samples and tips)

As for the ZSpheres: I usually recreate the ZSphere model with each of my tests. I have previously posted similar base ZSphere model in here. When I am done with high-priority items I will be able to post new tutorials and recorded ZScripts :slight_smile:

121 always welcome,


Recorded scripts from Pixolator…(I´m droolling and I´m still waitimg…)

Dude your the man, (and sometimes the woman) :grimacing: I’m drooling over Z2. I can’t wait. :+1:

Just when I thought Z couldn’t be more impressive than it already is (with all the high-class work posted here lately), the master shows why this is his software. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks Pixolator… I’m looking forward to a recorded Zscript (and an computer upgrade, so I can run it!) :slight_smile:

Just beautiful!

Awesome work Pixolator!

Stunning detailing so far, Pixolator- but you know that already. :+1: :sunglasses:

Amazing work as ever. One thing–the thumb looks like it’s rotated too much toward the palm. I think it should be closer to 45 degrees to the palm rather than 90 degrees, but who the hell am I to criticize the Pixolator? :slight_smile:

Hi AdamT
You right, but it’s very easy to modify :slight_smile:
A little rotation of a group of Zspheres and problem is resolved :slight_smile:
Or maybe this young person has early arthritis :rolleyes:

Pixolator, can you please upload picture of hand in zsphere mode? I just can’t figure out how to properly construct a hand from zspheres. Thanks.

Hi Pixolator, I know you are busy with Z2 for Mac but wondering if you have any updates to post on your wonderful art work.

Lovely work, very nice. But the description of the thread said something like “Pixolator shows how he makes hands”… and I don’t see anything but pictures of hands (very lovely indeed, though).

Digging in the toprows… that was a nice one :+1:

Howdy All,

First posting:

If you’ve separated your model by making a polymesh, clearing the layer, and then redrawing and detailing, . . . can you return to the zsphere model for posing? Amazing work. I’ve skimmed through the practical guide but didn’t see anyone who kept the link to the Zsphere model.

relatively new user here. . .
Sorry if this has been asked before.