
ZSketchbook rudymassar

Amazing facial expresion and details. Also very very funny concept!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

That second one got me good! VERY Nice work. -S

that’s awesome Rudy :slight_smile: made me laugh!

Hahaha, nice one! Really like the skin of the man.
It reminds me of the little @#@pincher of my mother, no kiss but a bite in my nose.

That last render made me laugh. Nice work.

That’s an adorable concept and brilliant sculpting!

Would you mind telling us a little about your technique for the skin detailing? I love how you’ve done both the wrinkles and details on the skin surface, as well as depicted the veins and anatomy beneath. Would be grateful for some tips.


arsan - Thanks. I’m not sure if it is a sweet chihuahua, she is to her boss.
][-][4Z4R][)) - The expressions and details are a bit over the top but it fits the character imo. Thanks.
Ls3D - Great, that’s what was hoping for! Thanks man :slight_smile:
Intervain - But Magda, that’s easy because you always laugh.
Bas Mazur - Thanks Bas, hope it didn’t leave any scars :wink:
fattkid - Good to know it made you laugh, that was my intention. Thanks!
cdizzle - I will do a breakdown once the polypaint and fibermesh is all done. For now, I can advice you to organize it all in layers. This way you can balance the strength of the shapes and finer details. Try to sculpt different frequencies so it doesn’t become a uniform noise instead. But really, details should be kept to the very last stage, more important to spend time one the big shape, gesture, rhythm, etc.

Haha, that is great!
Awesome attention to detail! :+1:

De combinatie van de 2 afbeeldingen maakt het zo sterk, heel erg vet gedaan.


Here are some different views directly from ZBrush.


Wow…the last one’s just amazing!

great work also like the last one very mush

This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

very very very nice, excellent work and unusual :+1:

Amazing sculpt and funny would be nice to texture them.:+1:

Oooooooooooooooo so cute! Nice one Rudy keep it up mate!

haha great :smiley:

Haha, loved the expression. Amazing work mate.

Great job mister

Haha! This just caught my eye. Really great sculpt. I love the expressions and fine details, you’ve also managed to get the pose looking nice and natural. Love that dog, very cute! :slight_smile: