
ZBrush3 Offline Reference as pdf

Thanks Marcus, this is great!

Pixologic owes you for this one, after all you did the work they should have done before releasing Z3.

Vielen Dank nochmals und herzliche Grüße aus Berlin!:smiley:

PS: Falls Du es noch nicht selber entdeckt hast und es Dich interessiert, es gibt ein brand-neues deutschsprachiges Forum rund um CG, welches sehr von deiner Web-Präsenz profitieren würde. http://www.pixelplausch.de/ Alles aber noch in den Anfangsstadien, also noch nicht viel Betrieb.

Danke für den Tipp. Ich kenne das Forum schon, bin aber noch nicht dazu gekommen, mich da zu engagieren. Aber wir sehen uns dort bestimmt bald.

Beste Grüße


Thanks a lot. As you I cannot be online always and this pdf really helps me.

Alles klar! Bin dort unter TheRazorsEdge registriert, nur so am Rande. :wink:

Vielen Dank nochmals für das offline Handbuch, das war wirklich ein toller Zug von Dir ,das zu erstellen und auch mit uns allen zu teilen!

Viele Grüße aus dem verregneten Berlin,

Just great emell, im away for the week and can take this with me.:+1:

For Blinkin’ sure: THANK YOU!!

Not everyone is sitting within access of the net and this will go a long long way to keeping me sane with questions about this new Beast called ZB3.

With laptop and pdf happiness,

Thankyou, its very handy and well put together. :+1:

Vielen dank Marcus! :smiley:

Thanks a lot Marcus! :smiley:


Thank you!!! Handy. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the WIKI .pdf link. Really generous. I wish (selfishly) that you would also post an English version of your PhotoShop CS short cuts. That looks excellent.


Thanks, Marcus. Sehr nett von dir. :+1:

A huge thank from me, Marcus dear friend!


I do think the build in reference manual found in Z2 was much better than any PDF, too bad they removed that from Z3. A PDF would be great.

By compiling that PDF you saved my day. Since i am currently dont have acess to the internet at all times, this one saves me lots of time of pure guesswork and experimenting.
Thank you!

Hey, is it possible for some one to host it on their website or use other file sharing service? My ISP dont seem to allow me to download stuff through rapidshare. Thanks a million.

I have sent an email to you.

i adore you, thanks a lot.

wow, that’s what I need. thank’s so much…

I would really like this as I’m on dialup at home. I’m on my laptop now but (high speed. But I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to do on Rapidshare. It says You want to download file but I never see a working link…puzzled

Scroll down, press the “free” button. Rapidshare will show a countdown of about 1 minute before your download starts.
