
ZBrush 4R2 Beta Testing By Alessandro Baldasseroni

its a shame you did join the beta thread sooner. I wouldve loved to have watched this unfold. Beautiful work as per usual:)

amazing! love the hair and details, excellent work

beautiful work.:smiley:

Beautiful work and excellent lighting.

Woow This is Just too Beautiful :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Everything from composition of character, posing, to Lighting and presentation is excellent

love the work!

Since it is beta testing I would love to see more of the workflow as most other beta testers have shared, hope to see more on how you used the dynamesh, more progress shots would be great, more info like if each subtool was dynameshed. Again great work!


Very nice work as usual bud :slight_smile: I would be interested in knowing how you did the hair.

Well done

amazing work Cool :slight_smile:

More Awesome than Awesome…

Great pose and imagination.:+1:

Beautiful! Would be cool to see a turntable of this sculpt :+1:

I’ve seen your work in the past on CGTalk and now I see that you worked on some really popular games. I loved the first of the Fable series, have not played the rest though I probably will at some point!!

This work now is really good. I really like it!!!

Good job!! :smiley:

I now have a name to connect to what I have seen :slight_smile:

It’s very presumptuous of me to critique anything this great, but… I will anyway (of course!).

We can only see the sculpt from this one angle, but I’m wondering if the woman’s right breast and pec should pull up a little, since her arm on that side is lifted so much? Right now, it looks as though her breasts lie uniformly on her chest.

Just wondering… But wonderful sculpt!

Thanks a lot for the nice feedbacks, had some time to play around with shaders and bpr render/ passes in zbrush and doing some compositing in Photoshop, here is what i ended up doing :


Hope you like it,




Magnificent! Top Row for sure! :smiley:

Awesome work Ale! Stunning sculpt!

amazing stuff,! grea8 sculpting…!

that is an amazingggg sculpt and design!
Great work sir! I admires your skill very much.
the anatomy is soooooo spot on!!
Very inspirational!

:+1: Beautiful!

Cool piece, very Frazetta-feeling and powerful. In the final shot, the girl looks a lot like Rooney Mara from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, was that at all intentional haha?