
***** ZBrush 4.0 Unleashed!

Lucky :slight_smile:

that is allā€¦

Thank you Pixologic!! :+1: :+1:

Dā€™oh! Maybe not so fast:

There was an error emailing your activation key.

Servers are acting screwy. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix it soon.

Cool Pixo fixed my original login! Pixo, youā€™re on FIRE!!!

The list of features is amazing.

Who is doing the voice overs on the videos?

Iā€™m waiting on an answer to this question as well.


thx god!!!

Well, I finally managed to download Z4 after two tries because of intermittent internet problems, but I canā€™t use it because my connection cut out before I got a valid license. Crap!!

If itā€™s the same as before, itā€™d be Martin Knapp, but Iā€™m guessing by your post that itā€™s not him? :wink:

Can anybody buy this for me!!! PLEASE! I will do. ā€¦a year of model/render(s) for your project! satisfaction promised.(bows)

welfare will just not fit this bill ;not after the last one

Iā€™m not sure, his voice is different in the Z4 vids

Soā€¦ is Z4 a clean install or does it install on top of 3.5?

Upload the vids to the ZBrush 3D info Channel and let YouTube handle some of the traffic for you.

I believe a few days ago Aurick mentioned that it is a separate install so you can continue to use previous versions of zbrush as well.

Are fanboys having alone time with these videos? I canā€™t even get close to watching any of them.

Past versions are still there and intact.

I have three questions:

  1. Is there more accurate lighting and a better real-time render (while working)? That is my number one request.

  2. Has layers been taken to the next step? I was hoping for groups and mainly the ability to merge different layers, maybe the ability to easily save masks in layers.

  3. Surely this is full 64 bit isnā€™t it??? 32 bit would be like putting wooden wheels on a Ferrari.

Thank you!!!Pixologic!!You are the best!!