
*** ZBrush 3.5 Release 2 for Windows is now available

Thanks, guys.

First the great wailing and gnashing over a “missed” release date, then…

Two free releases in 4 days.

I love Pixologic!

(bicc39) The download link is the word “download” in your cleverbridge reference number email. If it’s like mine, it will be the second email. The first was the upgrade info email.

Yup, quick and painless. Love it!
I am a Vista user and I didn’t even have to run as admin…might have changed settings though…not sure.

Works like a charm!

I could do that 10 more times! :wink:
Keep the fixes and little goodies coming.

Yeah. As I said before, the name is misleading. The file on the inside is the SR2 version.

I just purchased Zbrush 3.5 yesterday. I never received an email link since I downloaded it directly from the website after purchase. Has anyone else had this problem with not receiving an Email link…

Thank you Mr. Puss, grateful.
You might consider working here, you explanations beat
the crap out of the original.
Have to go to Cleverbridge and thank them now.

Thankyou Pixologic.

Im so glad you guys are on the ball with this, and so soon after the initial release. Keep up the fixes and updates, and Zbrush 3.5 will be a well polished Zbrush.


is there any way to transfer the hotkeys that i already setup in zb 3.5 to 3.5R2? cheers!

All in title :slight_smile: cant wait …

Exactly my thoughts! It is only midnight down here, so there are some hours yet to fill with new releases, new bugs… isn’t life full of pleasant surprises!?

Yes, simply copy the ZStartup/HotKeys/StartupHotkeys.txt file to the new folder.

Yeh, downloaded, installed and activated. Cool.

One little question. I took the option of paying the price for a CD copy of the programme. Will I get the release 2 version?

awesome, thanks for the quick reply! you guys rock

Has anyone else noticed how much faster undo is at the higher subD levels? I used to be afraid of controlZ at high poly counts now it just rips through them even with my undo levels set to the max.

Cheers Pixologic! :slight_smile:


something i´ve noticed is that in zb3.1 we could set the size sensitivity of the tablet at a value, so that the pressure on the tablet would affect less the size of the brush, but that value doesn´t seem to affect now in 3.5, we have however, the size intensity in a per brush setting…any way to store that at an specific value, or make zbrush respond like in 3.1 regarding this?

thanks a lot


DO NOT delete your ZBrush 3.5 folder until you first have removed any custom files such as documents or tools that you created in ZBrush 3.5 and stored in that folder, prior to the R2 release today.

Don’t think that I’d turn that job offer either. Not in this economy. :wink:

Goes without saying, but… thanks for saying. :slight_smile:
I use the vanilla setup so there’s nothing custom to save. All my custom matcaps, alphas, etc are far away from the install directory so there’s no need to worry. For others, though…

very nice list of changes :slight_smile:

Cannot wait however until GoZ reaches release!:slight_smile:

Good stuff. I’m on a Mac. I had a weird problem with UV shells breaking up into just UVs.

Also, I’m excited. I’m wondering is 3.5 is going to be 64 bit or will that be v4?

hey AVTPro

If your UVs break into individual UV faces on export make sure mrg is on under tool>export