
Z-Carrier Crew

Damn beautiful man, love the cap! Now if we could have Zbrush caps like that, I’d buy 20 right off!!! :wink:

Stunning level of detail. Coming along great! :slight_smile:

…for pilot the FMS :wink:
Maniac modeling :+1:

you aiming for 10 stars and double top row, or what ? This gonna be one of my favorite z brush works :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:

wow , really nice work man!!

Alex Oliver

That’s great Seb simply great.


mon humble Thread

nice work, Sebcesoir! :slight_smile:

will you be adding the chin-strap as a seperate object altogether?



it rocks man !!
amazing modeling, I hope to arrive to your level !

:+1: :+1:

Very cool modeling Sebastien :+1:
Congatulations on the top row!

Thats very nice detailing and modelling Seb - do we get a colour update soon?
Well done for Top Row!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks you so much for the warm comments and the top row!

Jason, I will have to dwar the Z symbol on it :wink:

Pilou: I might reach the step of virtual flight to real one (but with models :wink:

Slocik, Thank you very much, I,m always very proud when I reach the top row, and people support give us courage to do more artworks,

Alexleia, much apreciated from an artist like you, I love your works

Rookie-z : yes, I will add a chin strap, cartainly a neck cover. Theres a lot of micro detailing to add, but also more mechanical part I will add by importing maya geometry…

THX Elarcano!!
Jit-Gohil : I think I will advanc the color process once the final sculpting will be finsihed. I will have to paint materials in same time…

Very impressive work, all the facial modelling was very well done and the helmet fits very well. :+1: To the top.

Yup… me too.

Knew it was yours from just the thumbNail shot of the mouth in the top row. Not sure why, think it is your way of doing stubble, but definately just the mouth gave it away.

Killer work as always. Glad I aspire to do animation… as your work both inspires me and depresses me : ) Top row mate.

Here’s my five, forgot!!! : )


Oh man… so this is what you were talking about today?.. F@#$%!!!.
Super sweet! As always :smiley:
Keep up!

YEahhhh thanks man!!:+1:

a big fan of your work… and once again… an excellent model here!

Hey man cool sculpt, I cant help but think of LOBOT!!!


Hmmm, I’d be curious to know where you got this idea from hehe. It’s kind of an unusual project but always full of character and realism so :+1:

man! how can someone get a character from that starting mesh :slight_smile:

he has lots of character in his face. i really love it!
those sharp details became like your signature and as soon as i saw it i understand that it is yours.

now let’s see the textured version :slight_smile: