

These are definitely fantastic sculpt for Wreck It Ralph! The level of details is great for cartoon characters especially Ralph, Vanellope and Felix. Everything is design well for the Animated Feature. Great stuff!

Sketchbook - http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?173520-Kenji-s-CG-Texturing-Work/page2
Blog - http://amazingbeggars.wordpress.com/
Reel - https://vimeo.com/66303342

inspiring and insightful! Thanks for sharing, watched this movie twice in the same day when I got it on DVD! so awesome! great design language all through!

great characters

so useful.thanks:)

Nice syle and modeling - great job! :+1:

Absolutely incredible. Really enjoyed the film, especially the character designs. The translation of the 2d concepts to 3d is just perfect.

Awesome models! Thanks for sharing!

nice sculpting, but most of the game character Disney paid for didn’t even show up like Mario and the likes, I was planning to see Mario appeared in the movie, Ken just got a HD make of his Street Fighter II self and didn’t show Ryu is later in the film in fully cg poly form, but overall, the movie is somewhat decent for me. only if Link (from “The Legend of Zelda series”) was to show up, clearly I would have more happy with the film.

Great stuff, very fun designs and models.

Thank you so much for posting these. I think I’ve watched Wreck-It-Ralph more times now than any Pixar or Dreamworks film. You guys did such an amazing job on every aspect of it. I’d be happy to see anything else you guys can share.

Excellent work all around.

I agree! I just can’t stop watching that movie!!
I have a question. I’m brand new to ZBrush, and I’m just wondering about the EYES.
Are the eye’s of these characters rendered as they are in ZBrush for the film, or are they just place holders that are exported to a 3D program and RE-BUILT there?

Hey great sculpting.I adore movie.Thanks for sharing

Thanks, everyone.

@fdslk It’s nice to be able to make big changes on the fly, and Zbrush is very useful for that.

@oloyd The eyes are just painted in for now. Our character rigs use a specific eye setup.

I love the design of the Sorceress I think is very cool and very interesting because in that scene of the villas characters didn’t appear not a female character cool :+1:

the team owned it! Awesome job guys! :slight_smile:

I think I understand.
So do you retopologize the ZBrush mesh “without” the eyes, and then bring it into a 3D program to rig “brand new” eyes from scratch, using ZBrush eyes only as reference??

<style id="_clearly_component__css" type=“text/css”>#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; } </style>

one of my favorite movie 3d characters , great team work :+1:

Wow! Awesome!!! I love it!!! :+1:

thanks for the inspiration! really nice works

Great characters and colors
 Congrats on Top Row