
Wolverine anatomy and some other models

Wow, awesome works in here!

Congrats on the well deserved Top Row!

Fantastic, imaginative concepts and terrific execution… particularly considering they are Zbrush renders!


Amazing work, how did i miss this? Congrats on Top Row! :smiley:

Cheers, David

stunning! gg for top row mate!

Outstanding job from the first post to the last - all your creatures are individually unique and a breath of fresh air. I would also like to learn some of your rendering and photoshop compositing techniques.

Very well deserved top shelf! :+1:

…style! :cool:

Congrats on the top row !!!
Well deserved

Great stuff !! :+1:

Unbelievable! Great work mate!

Very good work !

Cool stuff Mirko , congrats man :slight_smile:
Cheers bro:cool:

How much of this is actually in the 3d model? Your three fingered chimp thing looks like it’s had a lot of painterly hair added, either in Painter or Photoshop. Is the saliva in the that other creatures mouth modeled in 3d?

First of all I want to thank ZBC staff for puting me in the front row, that is soo cool guys appreciate that!

Thanks to everyone else of course I am glad you like my work and I can promisse that I’ll keep posting. I am also thinking to make a video of my process but should be after some weeks because I have tons of work goin on at home. :+1:

Monsters came out great! Congrats on toprow! Really love the paintjobs you put on your work.

Really awesome works!!!

Top row for sure a lot of good work here…

Huge thanks fellows!

Great fur rendering. Nice job

Wow, this is stunning! love ur creatures…
Congrats on top-row!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great work!!!