
Wojciech Michalski SketchBook

This is some of my favorite marvelous designer stuff, everything is amazing.

Top row for me, personally. Looking forward to more.

thank you but Iā€™m not done with him just yet :slight_smile:

Nice folds on your cloth syms. can i ask you are you using any tricks to get the nice folds in the knees and lower leg. My stuff dont hang like yours.
Am i missing a method to get sweet folds and nice hang. I can even set the PD to say 5 and still not get sweet folds. BTW Iv just posted a biggie smalls vibe render on my artstation.
he has a hoody on and a raiders beanie with locs style shades :sunglasses: Cheers.

Hey thank you , nothing fancy just swaping between diffrent SimParameters on the fly an manipulating gravity to my likingn, after that use zmesher for cleanup and inflate ballonne on the minus fo crisp stuff

O and BRadius on the move brush :slight_smile:

Hey guyā€™s first pass in Substance Designer , awesome software :slight_smile:




Looking good! Only the shirt and shoes jump out as being obviously unreal. Lets see how it progresses!

thx , yeah no surface details at all for now (shoes and shirt are just base line ) :slight_smile:

Awesome work Wojtek !

Really outstanding work ! AMAZING, If this doesnā€™t go on top Iā€™ll be seriously disappointed.

thank you , it is great to hear that

This latest character is looking great!

Would you mind talking a bit about setting up a double-sided pattern in MD like you did for the jacket? Iā€™ve seen pressure used for things like pillows, but that padded jacket look is great.

Also, could you tell us a bit about what you are doing in SD for this character?

Thanks, and great work!

Would you mind talking a bit about setting up a double-sided pattern in MD like you did for the jacket? Iā€™ve seen pressure used for things like pillows, but that padded jacket look is great.

  • will do some JPG tutorial for that once im done :slight_smile:

Also, could you tell us a bit about what you are doing in SD for this character?

  • Textures , materials , surface detailmaps , basically everything (using it as realtime viewer or game engine if you like)




Regarding the double-sided pattern tutorial: great! Looking forward to seeing that.

Regarding what you are doing in SD: Hahaha, well, I figured that since that is what Substance Designer is designed to be used for. I was hoping for something a little more specific with regards to your different texture/material creations.

Thanks for the response.

currently Iā€™m doing full tillable surface details for main part of the model leather,cloth,ruber and stuff like that, will do some screen grabs and passes

Thanks, Iā€™d love to see them!

I also forgot to mention how amazing the face sculpt and texture is. Very believable. Any tips or info you could share on that aspect of the character would be very appreciated, as well.

Lovely work!

hahah sorry i will disappoint you its 3 or 4 difference scan data merge with it other than decimated then cleaned, moved around and after that displacement map TXYZ/and diff projection , just wanted something better than usual manikin head, and test my understanding of realtime PBR with something harder than synthetic stuff :slight_smile:

[via GIPHY](http://giphy.com/gifs/3o6ZthUkL3DbzmivMQ)

I really like the folds and wrinkels on those clothes. So natural.

But about the wear pass on the leatherā€¦ that could be a bit less procedural with some masking to get less random placement for those details. Iā€™d also remember that the anatomy teacher Ryan Kingslien mentioned ā€œmemory foldsā€, which are kind of appearing most of the time on a same spot with a same shape. Especially those areas could use some wear the most, than other areas.

Agree just first steps with software :slight_smile: