
wip anton chigurh

u dont see chuck norris he sees you! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

little update with new jacket


again…beautiful work

thanks yona :slight_smile:
Sheesh its been a while since i posted in here!
Well here we go! Getting cosy with 3.5. Base is zsketch.

woohooo disco stuuu.thumbs up.:slight_smile:

Aha aha, neues Update. :+1:small_orange_diamond:) Irgendwie voll verpasst. Ajajajaj.
Ich bin so selten online bei ZbrushCentral im Moment :frowning: so gut wie keine Zeit… nächsten Monat Umzug… und viel Arbeit. Hoffe ich kann auch bald wieder was posten. Die letzte Kreatur gefällt mir ganz besonders… was ist es denn? Ein Schwein oder ein Hund… oder was ganz anderes ?

Nice Studies Great!! keep going!

Altintop thanks :smiley:
Moni Thank you :slight_smile: Vielleicht isses ja nen schweinehund :smiley:
arthur thank you too :slight_smile:

Heres wips and sketches for the last few unproductive weeks :smiley:




I smell shumd`s matcap here.Hehe
Schweinehund? Hahahaa LOL :smiley: der war SAUgut! Great work on the folds and the hair!
The second one looks suspiciously like his little brother? :wink: Very cool design!
Der dritte ist etwas aus der Art geschlagen, aber so manchen von dieser Art könnte man durchaus als wahres Schwein bezeichnen. :smiley:

I don’t get people trying to get that clay look - then sculpt in clay people. Zbrush definitely has it’s potentials but I don’t see it in simulation of traditional techniques. If human is a reflection of god, and sculpture a reflection of a reflection, this is a reflection of the reflection’s reflection :smiley:

Auf wiedersehen

Haha yeah moni i dont know why but ralph stumpfs red chavant is suddenly
looking very orange and shabby compared to shmuds ^^
The second one is definatly something similar maybe a bit more hamsterdog
then pigdog ^^

And cherub, who the heck spat in your soup today?
If you see these as a reflection of god thats ok and i dont want
to insult your cartoon sketch religion :slight_smile:
Zbrush has many potentials and you should maybe learn to use one before
you hate on other ones :wink:
I didnt even vote on your thread yet so troll somewhere else :slight_smile:

As always, amazing work and imagination :+1:

thx robinmitrla :slight_smile:




:smiley: hahaha love the dog!!! it looks so funny

the birdy’s interesting as well - it looks a bit like its been made out of peanuts or something like that :wink:

cool stuff stu :+1:

keep em coming

Thy schiefer :smiley: should look a little less peanuts now

The bird, dog and weird muppet creature are amazing! Is the bird a guy in a costume of a bird? Or just wearing shoes.

Hahaha chicks love kicks??? That made my day! :smiley:
I love wonderful weird things like that.

fantastic. :lol:

Getting into the christmas mood with some diabolic sculpting from hell :evil:small_orange_diamond:p
3 hours so far id guess.

Real cool lookin’!

nice love the dog