
updated sketchbook - still learning

Alright I know what you mean Buddy!
Will definently Not leave the Skin detail on him like that^^,
thanks that you like the forehead pores :)!
Keep it going ViseOne :slight_smile:

I add my praise to all the above, the snarling alien is cool ))
A question, if you don’t mind - how did you get those clean-cut ridges on the forehead?

Really good thread - nice progress all the way . That last alien bust is pretty interesting .

Cheers .

Yor reply brought me here and I must say some of your work are great. 30 mins doodle is stuning with boy’s expresion.
Keep good work coming and I’ll lurk in here from time to time for sure :+1:

I have to poke my head into this thread, and say this - What you can do, in such a little amount of time, blows me away.
Kenny, keep it up brutha, very cool concepts!


@Silverwind_Dragon: - Thanks for stopping by and that you like the snarling alien!:slight_smile: I don’t exactly know what you mean with the edges but I am using the hPolish brush and than a little of customized pinch brushed made by Vitaly! :slight_smile:

@SIM-R: Thank you glad you like, thanks for giving me feedback bro!:slight_smile:

@nebular: Thanks mate for the kind feedback and that you stopped by at my sketchbook! Hopefully seeing more from you mate and keep in touch!:slight_smile:

@coreyschroeder: Thank you so much Corey, I really appreciate your kind feedback!:slight_smile: It really means a lot me mate! Glad that you like the concepts and I will definently keep on posting here on zbrushcentral, because this is the most greatest forum ever!:slight_smile:

Thank you guys and thanks zbrushcentral, these feedbacks and comments from all of you are a great motivation and inspiration, let’s get back on sculpting, wishing everyone HAPPY SCULPTING!!!:):small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond:

hah, you and I are on the same page. you have some nice work as well (like the 30 min “boy”)

@matt - Thanks mate really appreciate it, yeah we are on the same page ;):stuck_out_tongue:

Here I got another speed sculpt of my colleauge in college, took me about an hour to sculpt and to texture him with spotlight, but had major issues with the reference image of his face, the resolution was only 640x480 and somehow the render is awfull too :smiley: Please comment and maybe you all can give me an advice on the rendering :slight_smile:


Here I got another friday night special, wanted to make a concept mech design for to fight my aliens :D:)
Still WIP and concepting on the design, so he is dynamic in moving :slight_smile: Took me about 4 hours for the sculpt,
started out with a dynamesh, a lot of insert brushes for the body proportions, afterwords I duplicated the model and sculpted on it, I did a retopo of some parts , but still want to retopo the whole body!
Hope you guys like it, comments and critics are very welcomed and thanks for taking your time watching it :slight_smile:

Happy Sculpting ya’ll!

  • Kenny

Hi Kenny, this mech is looking very good … I really look forward to watching this one evolve! :lol: Cheers, David

wow Kenny, that’s looking great.


You are, without a doubt, one of my favorite zbrush artists. :slight_smile:

The mech is looking great! :+1:

The Mech looks really good, I like the proportions

Really good progress!
For the rendering - it looks like you used a shiny material - the skin looks a bit metallic - did you use a matcap? Maybe use a basic material without much of spec light.
Then you could position a 3 point light setup so your face doesn’t get a direkt light from front which could be worth trying.
Just my 2 cents here since I’m still learning a lot about rendering settings.
Also Sometimes I fight with the lightcap - it seems my renderings always are too dark - does anyone know a source to load lightcap projects besides the ones that were included in ZB 4.0 and are now missing with the.b release?

Maybe we could start a thread for newbies and share light- and rendersetups for basic model presentations. What do you think?

however - great modeling and great progress - we should really work on a ZBrush meeting (maybe a weekend) and share knowledge…

have a great weekend ya’ll!

Thank you so much David for giving me a feedback, I really appreciate it and I will keep you in touch mate :slight_smile:

Thank you Ezra for the kind feedback and taking your time judging my work! Glad you like it :slight_smile:

Hihi corey thank you so much buddy, it really means a lot to me, but don’t hessitate my friend :smiley: look around mate there are millions that are better than me, but that is a big motivation and inspiration for me to get so good as the real pros :stuck_out_tongue:
Cheers corey:+1:

Thank you so much asec for stopping by and giving me a feedback and taking your time! :slight_smile:

Thank you blueferret, really glad you stopped by and gave me feedback! Glad you all likem hihi :slight_smile:

Really thank you so much guys, you are a big motivation for me and thanks again for taking your taking to stop by at my sketchbook and leave such great comments on here! That drives the zbrush motor even faster :smiley: Let’s get back on sculpting:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Great work there Buddy, can really see your skills improving with each sculpt, such an amazing and diverse program to use. keep it up, Looking forward to seeing more of your creations in the future!

Wow thank you so much VISEone for taking your time and giving such a amount of information to me mate! Really means a lot to me!
I used the Skinbase material and rendered one pass with reflected material because I wanted to make the skin a little reflected but somehow it looks like i dont know :smiley: Yeah MatCap is really dark sometimes too when I render them out , really thank you so much I will try out the 3Point Light System!

That would be great to start a new thread for rendersetups and light setup! It will definently help out a lot of people, I will message some guys that have a awesome render setup and ask them If they mind doing a little tutorial or just giving some information out!
Will keep you in touch mate, we should definently work on a ZBrush meeting, whenever you want, just hit me up on zbrushcentral and than I give you my Skype or cellphone number! Sharing knowledege is great and in zbrush you will never learn out :smiley:

Thank you so much you too, have a great weekend =)

Love your sketchbook, man!
Its rich in variety . Cool stuff! :+1:

@Thomas Rudat - Thank you so much for the kind words mate, glad you like my sketchbook! I try my best to keep a variety buddy =)
@SammehSAMURAI - Thank you for stopping by and giving me a feedback on my sketchbook, it really means a lot to me!:slight_smile:

Here is another quick 45min concept doodle and paint of a creature design for my alien/space world , a friend came over and we talked about designs and then I started doodeling and that is what came out =)
Still having major issues with the rendering and will definently rework all the creatures, just wanted to see how zbrushcentral likes the concepts of the creatures. Thank you for your time guys! One last you thing you gotta “LOVE ZBRUSH, FEEL ZBRUSH”:slight_smile:


Hey KC, some fun stuff here :). If I may, I like your texture painting, however it comes off a little too intense in the renders. Maybe try bumping the contrast down a bit, or something of that nature? The final images just feel really “burned” if that makes any sense. Cool stuff regardless, looking forward to more!