
Transpose Master «error encountered while importing file

I’m not very good at zbrush and this error happens the second time when I want to put a character in a pose.

After clicking “Tpose mesh”, the window pops up: “C:Users\Public Documents/ZBrushData2023/ZPluginData/Tran sposeMasterData/TPose1_copy2_1”, then there’s another one: “error encountered while importing file”.

It’s vital for me to solve this…

Hello, @gimbal ,

Any number of things could be happening and there’s not enough information here to advise you. Possibilities include:

  1. procedural error–something about your process is causing the issue.

  2. The Geometry or point order of any of the meshes involved could have changed. Using any feature or process that changes either of these may result in an error.

  3. Issue with the geometry–check all subtools involved for issues with geometry> mesh integrity> check mesh. Remember also that TPose Master requires fairly low poly gometry to work well. If you try to send meshes of medium or higher resolution, the process won’t work well or may fail to work altogether.

  4. You may have previous TPose meshes hanging around in your file and this can sometimes cause issues. Please be sure to purge any previous TPose meshes from your scene file.

  5. Issue with your local installation.

All of these would require investigation, additional information, and a file to examine. This will require you to contact technical support.

Thank you!