
The space warrior.

This is more than amazing stuff!.. Makes me want to push harder… :+1:

Hi guys:+1:
I continued a project of The Space Warrior.
Lately, I have been painting some textures. And I used a poly paint by Zbrush to paint the diffuse.


Hey nice render man. Awesome creature and awesome details as well. Awesome gun too! :lol:

All that awesomeness aside I think I prefer the before proportions over the after, but it looks great either way.

Awesome my friend, that is just awesome !!! I love that you prepared for this character and put a lot of thought into it !!! Congratulations on a great sculpt !!!


The last render is awesome!
Some insight on how you made it?

Can’t wait to see the whole piece finished!

Absolutely inspirational. I love this work. Top row indeed :+1:

what did you retopologize with. I find the ZSphere method to be a little annoying. I use modo 601, or 3d-coat…but what do u use with such intricate detail? amazing work once again!

great job, nice render too. Whats your settings for that clay looking render, and is it demo reel render efficient?
Keep it Up

Very professional work on this creature. Look forward to the final.

you got amazing stuff here man!!! always checking your art works! amazing!

Thanks comments guys!!! I’m so happy you guys said it.

derekmatthew - I know what you mean!!! I feel the ZSphere method isn’t useful either.
So I always use 3d-coat for make the topology while I hoping to improve the retopo method of ZBrush!!!

teddy007kong - The clay look was made by mia material of mental ray.
I think it’s a little bloatware. but if you OK, please try it out. You just might like it!


Hi all!! These are light test renders. I rendered using a mental ray of maya.
About lighting, the sunny one used an area light and IBL, and the cloudy one used only IBL.

And I thought before this update shot is not enough a resolution of the textures.
So I changed the size of the texture to bigger.
I used painting a poly paint of ZB and Photoshop for diffuse.

Hope you like them!

Stunning. I love it the sculpt and render are awesome. Well done.

It would be great to see a breakdown of your process for this sculpt and render.

A top row.

Just looked back over your previous pages of this sculpt. Did’nt see them. Great breakdown of your process.

Really inspiring.

Thanks for that.

I’m not sure how I missed this but…very cool! :slight_smile:

when i see things like that i get so jealous… I meant inspired.
really cool

Hi there !! It’s been a while. Now I almost finished the space warrior.
Hope you like it !!


And here !!

And those are finally sculpted details.

I like it, keep pushing it :wink: