
The Pain.

Waiting you said ?

I have to wait 2 months or more to just apply for registration as all my details are at home, and I am stuck here with my cured but still stiff knee. :cry:

whos waiting is more painfull? I have to wait another month or so to even see demo of zbrush 3.


I hope you guys get it till weekend( means today), I know how you must feel cause yesterday I was going crazy that there was no email yet.


I donā€™t know about FIFO emails, but treating old custormers first was a staple of good business.
Are you listening to me, young man ? /taps clerkā€™s shoulder with cane/

ā€œNow Iā€™m just sitting chewing a hole through the collar of my shirt.ā€ -Ian

mmmmm, tasty!

but, seriously, thats enough! I am tired of waiting, today is a new day Im going to do stuff and check on my email only once this morning, once at around 4 and again before I go to bed, I refuse to loose another day to waiting!!!:(

just finnished calling them, asking them in general to please send out the manual links before the weekend. If enough of the Z3 starved call who knows?


and request that the manual links be sent out before the weekend.

finally got my email link. They sure did take their time though. I feel for you guys who are still out there waiting, hang in there!

got it from work, so I can install it at home and enjoy the 7 days ā€œgraceā€ period while waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting for my serial.
so kinda good news. they get 7 days to send me the stuff before I loose it for good :slight_smile:

Man Iā€™m gonna freak out soon!!! :mad:

I guess at least I know that emails are still being sent at this pointā€¦

Soonā€¦ very soonā€¦

With my kinda luck the coupon code they sent me is completely invalid, more waiting dammit!


I bought it on the 14th and had to get a manual update link!!!


thank you pixologic.:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:

yeah, my link didnt send me a thing, but back to the store! anyone else besides arcnox get this or how to fix it?

I envy youā€¦ :confused: I bought ZB2 on 16 so does that mean I will get it TWO working days later ā€¦ tah will be Thuesday :angry:small_orange_diamond:angry:

I got the same thing but I donā€™t know how to fix it yet. :confused:

not here yet :frowning:

Monday 5/21, 11:00AM CST, no email.

This is bordering on ludicrous. Why advertise it for the 15th if there was no way that was going to happen. I realize I couldā€™ve preregistered early but me and my wife were busy having a baby so now I just have to waitā€¦ and wait and wait.

Cā€™mon now!

I registered minutes before midnight on the 15th. I didnā€™t make it into the database and had to go onto the manual upgrades list. I have received my setup.

Now then, if you are industrious, the ZBrush 3 setup includes a GRACE period which I think youā€™d be fully justified in taking advantage of while you wait for your official email.

Iā€™ll leave the rest up to you.

Well after an agonizing wait that seemed like it would not endā€¦ I finally got my download link.

Already installed and everything runs fantastic.

All I have to say isā€¦


Thank you all at Pixologic!!!

Iā€™m truly stunnedā€¦

Iā€™d like to apologize to all the hard working folk at Pixologic. Received an update from the support team that my link had been sent out a few days ago to an address I havenā€™t checked in years. That would be my bad.

Sorry about getting frantic there.

Well, thanks for setting up the support forum, because that was the only way I got heard in the launch noise (must be all that champagne drinks clings and chatter I guess) and finaly got the coveted link.
So if anyone is still waiting, I recommend going there asap.