
The Black Pearl

wow this is awsome can you explain how did you do the clothes or post a tutorial thanks.

Here is a character from Hellboy 2, if you haven’t seen the trailer already.
All his armor was done in Zbrush. Well everything was except for the actors head scan.



It was a long time ago, before the Black Pearl project. I began with a generic torso, without a head. I made the baggy sleeves with a cylinder that had a hole in it, then subdivided and bagged it out, tucking them into
the belts around the torso. I always work in the lowest subdivision level I can and use the move brush (in the beginning stages) so I can move the mesh about easily.

I try to put a gesture in the pose, following the drawings I am given but given leeway. I try to make sure the shoulders (balls) and head are tilted in a way that makes them interesting.


Wow great work man :eek:
I guess here there is a diagnosis looks like of amputation of legs :lol:

That is amazing!!! I was trained in Maya and recently my college bought linceceses for Zbrush. I started a project and got stuck, all I want is to make a pocket on my character’s clothes. What tool did u use to detail that pouches on his body? no matter what tool I use I couldn’t get it to be as detailed as that.

Very nice! I like the visual weight of the clothes and how he has his gun tucked in under his shoulder. Very natural.

really great work!

Alex Oliver

Well I work near the gaming modelers, and if you’re like them you might be trying to make the pocket and shirt (and entire model) with one mesh. But the way I do it, is I make multiple meshes and push them into each other. So the pouches (or pockets) would be separate subtools. Picture a cracker (with its thickness), give it more material on top. Fold the extra material down over the cracker to form the fabric that is buttoned down over the pocket, then insert a button over that flap. (fold material with masking and transpose rotate) - Then just clone the pocket and append it to the list for the second pocket. Move transpose to get it correctly placed.

It would take too long to try and pinch the material just right around the pocket to make it realistic. You can create the cracker, top fold, and button in less time an never worry about accidently smoothing out the edges of the pocket.


Very nice but i think it would be better if the model would be full body and textured

Sorry for bad english.

Omg great work!
How you did this piece?




You gotta luv the sand people! Great likeness! Here is a mask that i made for halloween “05”.


I like it a lot:+1: One small hint: If you double the document size and click on AAhalf mode, you get rid of the jaggies.

Pretty cool mask Skullbeast

That sculpt looks great.:+1:

(the mask looks really good too…)

sweet, as usual :+1:

Great work on this one! and so nice to finally see the sandpeople done in Zbrush. :slight_smile:

/ Max

That´s some solid modeling! Would be great to see this one finished.
Looking forward to Hellboy II, really like Guillermo del Toro´s work.

great detail!! Looks awesome

Some really nice details in these models. So much detail in fact, that the rifle looks a bit plain in comparison. Also, I wish the images were higher rez; there seems to be some distracting jaggies on the images.
All trifles aside - terrific modeling here. :+1:

Lovely work…
i like the posture…and love the details (hands, dress)
