
Texture experiment

Wonderful character and detail. I swear I can see his lips trembling.

THat is SOOOO sick. Love your work but this definantly one of my favorites. :smiley:

:o I know it’s stupid of me, but i can’t tell you how cool if feels to be able to actually communicate with such a legend of film special effects. Think of a few films special fx that you thought were cool and Rick probably had a hand in half of them. Sorry if I embarrass you dude just needed to say that. I’ll not do it again. By the way, have you used zbrush professionally to help you with your concepts on your special fx / make-ups projects? all the best T.

I like the changes in the wrinkles on the side of the nose between the second and third versions.

In the second picture, I also think the transition from textured part to cg-smoothness of the top of his head is really sort of interesting. Makes me think of a cyborg or something. I understand that’s just the nature of the WIP though.

very kewl work, Rick. :+1: :sunglasses: :+1:

Gotta say, because it’s getting that time of year again…ie the big H… , that it wouldn’t be hard to Zombify him:D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve been showing off your John the Baptist pic to my friends when they come over, and they all loved it.

I second and third the request for a MM wrinkle class etc. You really get some great detail popping for ya.

Your works are one of the reasons I keeping plugging away, trying to improve. Thank you.

thnx for sharing,
[email protected]

Hi monstermaker, great model, looking real good. Can you post your zbrush/modo workflow? what method did you use to capture the displacement map, and what settings within modo did you use for the displacement? In particular the “low and high value” within modo. Thanks mate.

Hi ,Worked on him some more. I’ve got to get away from him for a while to try and see him with fresh eyes.Thanks everyone.
Digital Dreamer, I used displacement exporter in ZB, in modo I used low-100 high 100. It’s just a matter of adjusting the displacement distance and screwing around with the low and high numbers .


She doesn’t look too happy! I wonder what make her seem so sad. Very nice texturing although the colors are a bit flat. Needs more discoloration and liver spots and perhaps push some of the other colors some more around the eyes.

Doesnt look sad to me. Seems more proud of a well lived and hard worked life. Unlike all these lazy folks who spend days in front of computers and claim its hard work :D. Damn, guess Im guilty as well.:lol:

Amazing as always.


Mike R

Great work MM! Has soul! :wink:

awesome job, really cool render. i really like the texture of the eyes

what did you do for hair?

Nice! It is alive!
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hey your PM is full! I wanted to message you. I do love the eyes, very interesting color. Reminds me of Leonardo Da Vinci’s work for some reason.

Really nice stuff MM.
And the render is excellent.
I think sometimes, post render photoshopping can flatten the image a bit, making it look like an old painting (which of course is not a bad thing )
But this image has got a real 3d depth to it !

Looking forward to the next !!! :smiley:

Very much an artwork :+1:

Really nice! It reminds me of an old sepia toned photo for some reason.

Such a wonderful rendering. Very haunting somehow for me… nice work! :+1: :+1:

A great update MM, and thanks for the tips.

very nice ! great work.
it smeels the top raw :wink:
is this 3d hairs or a photoshop work ?

Fantastic character !
Great job, master !