
Tazn's Sketch Book

nice work dude keep it up ur old man work really too good :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thank you so much man!!:smiley:

My new werewolf WIP!!!

but…its looks like Avatar…lol


:slight_smile: nice sculpt + beautiful light :+1:

Looking real good there!

We got a hot one here! That is excellent! :+1: :+1:

great job

tokio> Thank you very much!

SolidSnakexxx> Thank you for your comments!

EricShawn> Thank you I’m glad

Therapy777> Thank you man!!

Hi guyz.

I am very busy with job hunting recently. And, it is very under a lot of stress. And, I relieved the stress with Zbrush. And, I made the goblin today. It took modeling about one hour and it took the composite two hours. I hope you like it. <!--[attach=191783]sam.jpg[/attach]--> [<!--[attach=191796]conps.jpg[/attach]-->](http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:zb_insimg%28%27191796%27,%27conps.jpg%27,1,0%29)

no doubt, it’s Bob Geldof :wink:

nice work really.

Looking good!

Julian_K - HAHA I guess you’re right , now that you mention it lol

Derek Frenzo - Thank you! I’m gonna keep it up!

This is latest Werewolf WIP.
I added color and details.

so,now I’m gonna take this into maya and rendering it.

Very nice works! You have another subscriber :slight_smile:

How long did this last one take?

I look forward to seeing your renders.

Nice werwolf! :+1:
But his tooths seems a bit thin/flat. just my two cents.
keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Aberrant>Thank you.
It took about 5 days.

Train22>Thank you for your advice!

This is final image of werewolf.
Rendering in mentalray for maya.
using SSS,GI and FG.

I really hope you like it lol

Very nice final image…very cool render as well!

Realy nice so far one critic is the hair that grows over his neck looks out of place i mean the crossing over hair to neck isnt believable. Nice Composition and thats my only critic which could make it better.

If you fixed the hair or even took it out and made him a bald werewolf (hehe) it would do wonders to the image. It’s a really great piece, you captured the ferocity of the beast but the hair just distracts. It’s tough to do hair, but he deserves better!

Great job!