
Storm's zdoodles

Cool characters storm!! The treatment on these is fantastic

Thanks! I am really glad you like them :smiley:

Haha, thanks!
Yeah thats properly no coincident The art of Oddworld Inhabitants is like my bible :wink:

Thanks man, good to hear :wink:

Thanks man!
Yeah sure, the material is not mine however, it is made from a combination of mats I’ve found either in zbc’s matcap repository or at pixologic.com.
however batman is made from a combination of, Ralf Stumpf’s RS_Sculpy and Grayclay, combined with nervesculpy_2 and DJ_grubbygreen.
And finally a little brightness/contrast adjustment.

And thanks for taking the time to explain, makes sense :wink:

Thank you! Really appreciate it :smiley:

Thanks for the comments guys, sorry I don’t have an update ready, but I had a lot of homework to do today, but thankfully there is another day tomorrow :wink:

And great to see a few guys from sinister here.

Got an update ready:

Let me hear what you guys think, CC is more than welcome :wink:



Hey Rigtig godt arbejde. Badass commander og den sidste du lige har postet er rigtig gode. Jeg tjekkede ogsaa lige din hjemmeside. Nice work man!



Awesome stuff!! Great designs and your style is very cool! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Allright, the Aqua-Dude is definately my favourite so far.

You might consider changing its clavicle but other than that … simply AWESOME!!!

Tusinde tak, det er jeg super glad for at høre du synes!

Thanks man, that is really good to hear :wink:

Thank you, glad to hear you like him :wink:
And I’ll take a look at the clavicle, I fully agree with you.

Once again thanks for the comments guys.

I am astonished! I love your characters! Very cool design.

Thank you, really good to hear you like em :wink:

Sorry I don’t have an update yet, homework kinda got in the way. But hopefully I’ll have an update ready soon :wink:

very nice and refreshing style indeed, love your blue fellow:+1:


Let me hear what you guys think :wink:

Oh and in case anybody was wondering, the mat used here is the wonderful x_undoz_Custom1 by undoz.



Great model man!! Very creative.

Probably a very comical swimmer.

Haha, great model:+1:

Very different! I like it.

Great stuff!! Love the style! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I love this guy. Great work!


Let me hear if you guys spot any major mistakes, I’ve only been able to spot one triangle, and thats right behind the eye (so properly no need to work that one out). But if you spot one, let me know :wink:



not really it’s looking pretty good …the only thing whats important to keep in mind for sculpting are evenly spaced squares …

wonderful works