
Stolen Work!

That someone would do such a thing isnt anything new and really doesnt surprise me at all. Just another day in the world of man and the entertainment industry per se. What really cracks me up though is how anyone could go about it so idiodically stupid. There was no way in hell he was not going to be found out. Anybody who has even the slightest idea what is happening in this field will recognize these works as those of someone else. This must be some really dumb high-school kid trying to impress his peers or something like that, nothing else really makes any sense to me.

Anyways, lets hope they are going to remove him from that site. Trouble is, he’s just gonna do it again under a different ID and with some other, perhaps lower profile work. Unfortunately, its just a matter of time and he is not the only one doing it, I am sure.

For the rest of us, I would say, posting our work right here on ZBC, on cgtalk etc, where the cream of the crop of the field and those aspiring to get to it post and read is the best way to assure that we are properly recognized as the creators of our work by the people who matter.

You do not have to register Your Copyrights but Prevention is Protection
If copyright infringement and protection is something that worries you, take the time right now to make sure you have a copyright notice on your Page or posts. Or can include a copyright notice in the footer of every post.

If it comes to it, the artists that have been ripped off can send a “DMCA Take Down Letter” to the Host Site and they take it very seriously, because after having been notified under the DMCA they could be held partially responsible for the infringement.
We have allot more rites than we used to.
Hell I remember someone bring me a portfolio with allot of my work in it looking for a job. He actually folded me out of one of the pictures. LMAO he almost died when I had Jeff bring a copy of the picture in with me still in it.
Every day more and more evidence you cant keep the farm animals from breeding.

i just saw this thread and im shocked that anyone would do this, and even more shocked that he wants money for it to
Finished; back. Bust available - $129

i say we tie him to the yardarm and let the gulls feed on him, now who knows what a yard arm is

Jeez - just noticed this thread - BEYOND UNBELIEVABLE :eek: :eek: :eek:

Surprised the link is still active as of right now also…

Notice his feedback reply in the Profile section (page 2):

AmraK ChronicleS

2 days 1 hour ago

Thanks alot man! Its guys like you who make me carry on


Think he’ll carry on ??? Hmmm…

that’s incredible, some people are really crazy. :td:

abuse report sent to deviantart!

guys, artists, OWNERZ OF THAT FANTASTIC WORK… do teh same thing!
deviantart is forced to remove and ban that guy asap! me as a deviantart member did read the agreement carefully some years ago, and i might remember that you are only allowed to post such things with permission of the respective owner.

well i guess that was not the fact.

sad regards

btw i cannot imagine, that they changed the agreement, well if, they would hardenup the agreement!

That seriously sux hard…

I would almost laugh, but I see 3 things that turns me freaking mad:

_This guy could possibly get a job by stealing our works

_ He even goes as far as writing he’s name on the pictures…

_ he pretends to seel things, there’s money involved…

Steal works on a forum like deviant art is the most stupid thing to do…

I can’t stop thinking it’s a bad joke, but if it’s not, this guy might run into SERIOUS troubles…

Those of you who have sent e-mails to violations@deviantart.com did you remember to follow the instructions?

This is from http://about.deviantart.com/policy/service/

  1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
  3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner.
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
I hope that guy/girl gets banned from DA soon.

DA made his page go bye-bye. Unbelievable. He has great taste in stolen works though :lol:

In case you missed it…






Doesn’t selling things you don’t have to sell constitute fraud? :rolleyes:

His page can be removed fron deviantart.com if he is stealing others work.
I will check it out. :evil:

His page was deleted already. :slight_smile:

guys i ve written 3 simple lines… and the page was removed.

An: violations_(@)deviantart.com.... (changed adrees because of spambots)[[img]https://egroupware.drei-c-gmbh.lan/egroupware/felamimail/templates/default/images/sm_envelope.png[/img]](https://egroupware.drei-c-gmbh.lan/egroupware/index.php?menuaction=addressbook.uiaddressbook.add_email&add_email=violations%40deviantart.com&referer=%2Fegroupware%2Findex.php%3Fmenuaction%3Dfelamimail.uidisplay.display%26showHeader%3Dfalse%26uid%3D77) Datum: 09.07.2007 - 16:51 hi,

~AmraK-ChronicalS , http://amrak-chronicals.deviantart.com/

has stolen COMPANY arts and other work from famous artist.
REMOVE this user ASAP!

Dennis Dworak

btw: to proof the abuse report take a look at zbrushcentral.com

3C GmbH & Co.KG…
afterwards the page was gone.
simple easy useful :wink:


Weird thing is I’ve got stolent one of my stuff again, a guy put my work on its resume…
The dumbass didnt even removed my email signature on it, so the compagny where he applied contacted me…:rolleyes: :lol:

There is a saying: “You can fool many people for a short time, or few people for a long time”. And definately this guy is fooling many people!!! The day is coming when everyone will learn his habits and fire him from any job. Cause we all live in such a damn small world :wink:


and we as artists are living in an microversum so…
it might even be, that you know guys from oversea and meat them shortly nearby your local area… everything is possible.

eh i know YOU from somewhere by someone :smiley:


Wow, that really sucks that someone would steal other peoples’ work like that. It does happen though. :cry: