

Than you get 4 stars for it. It does look like a movie promo poster.

Wow man! This is first class stuff! incredible lighting, and I love the pose and balance! Top row for sure!:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

The closest shoulder should be dropped, feels weightless in it’s current position.

artsn- You’ve got a good point. Before I started modeling the character, I went through lots of variations on the pose before deciding on that one. I know what you mean about the stiffness and weight, I took all of those things into consideration, but it just came down to which one felt the most like Spider-Man… and that was the pose!

great mood and grate work man waooo

hey jprart001…really nice modeling and posing :+1: …but its little dark…a question is why you deleted half part of his body???

i liked it a lot,
very nice pic…:+1:

Great work mang, really captures Spidey’s essence with the dynamic pose and lighting.

I’ve always wanted to model this character, but the bump web mapping on his costume always scares me off.

Fantastic work, if you would have said that this is from the upcoming movie I would have believed you :slight_smile:

that looks superhot!
i’m curious about how you did the webpattern. was it all just using zbrush brushstrokes? looks so nice and clean. and how did you texture it considering the hexagon(6-sided right?)pattern

congratz, very nice work!!!


womball. Slashpot, MSMbrush, Skull_monster, sxnero, evokelabs, cheshire cat, Guese, tatu, and everyone else …Thank you!!! I can’t tell you how great it is that so many people are enjoying something that I created!

Guese- To answer your question, the web pattern was created by quickly roughing in the pattern in 3d mode, then using that as a guide to paint the final pass in projection master. For the hexagon texture on the suit, I used Zapplink to export the texture to Photoshop cs2 where I used the warp tool to bend the texture to fit the shape of the model. Then, I brought the texture back to Zbrush, rotated the model, exported it again, and I just repeated that process until it was done.

This is probably a stupid question, but how do you bring a texture out of zapplink and photoshop?

Womball- Once you’ve finished working in Photoshop you just save the file before returning to Zbrush and Zapplink will update automatically.

Wow this is really outstanding, I like everything about this piece, but what really makes it for me is the time you spent with the lights, all the highlights and shadows are just perfect. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

nice lighting. The hand looks a little odd though.

Very nicely done, great lighting.

amazing stuff i love spiderman and it looks spot on! good work dude has inspired me to do some spidey stuff i love shocker he would look amazing in 3d model with the fishnet bump map and the effects coming out of his shockers could look spectaullar! top class:+1:

wow outstanding work man, the pose is so “spidey”
cant wait to see your next piece.
:+1: :+1: :+1:

This is a terrific image. Can you say or show more about the lighting?

