
some strange people

great style man !!!
I love your puctures !!
:sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

What an evil baby orc. :slight_smile: Great image, I really like. Thumbs up!

I LOVE the Bus Stop. Hahahaha. Typical NJ-Transit commuter hahahahaha.

Takin cover

I love work like this. Inspiring, not just for the artistry, but also the embracing of other software to get the effect you want. True mastery of the media and the tools.

thank you, for so kindly comments!!! each time I feel guilty to answer and comment so few the different artworks of z forum!!! for the questions: hyper 1: one of the main reason I use carrara is it’s ability to handle really heavy mesh… I have to say that it was really the fact of version 3… I hope really that 4pro, which have some really interesting features, goes on a same rock solids import of zbrush mesh… actually, it’s not , so I “build” the scene in version 3, and use 4pro for some specifics tasks, and render node… Illuysion digital: I agree totally, most of the time I use a rather simple modelled tool, with an elaborate texture… sometimes, I “dive” in the fun of modelling a lot, but it’s often work I leave in mesh step, like black and white sculpture… the only area I’ve found which really need a “full” modelling is portrait with likeness… but for most of the other characters, I’ve sometimes “go back”, smoothing a detailed mesh, to turn mainly on texture; I use or spherical, for 3d sphere, or planar for zsphere, with unified skin… I’ve described in the carrara thread the “flow”, but in few words: an unfied skin from a zsphere tool; then export as obj, then map in uvmapper, in planar mode;then re-import in zbrush; texture , opened in photoshop, is “started”, then imported in zbrush; then , “finished” with projection master, but with tha advantages of the planar mapping, so easy to read in a 2d soft… (auv tiles are perfect, but it’s impossible to read them “outside”)… also, to speak frankly, there are “touch up”, after the render, in 2d… I barely use time to “finish” a geometry, if 3 or 4 brushstrokes does the job, later… shame on me!..

Fantastically beautiful. What an imagination you have!!!
Great inspiration indeed!!!

Shame?? Nay, nay and thrice nay! I admire 3D ‘purists’ who wrestle with just one program to create their work. But a real artist, like yourself, understands that the image is everything. The software, wonderful as it is, is just a tool.

One of the things I love about this forum is the fact that one can mention Poser as a part of your 3D arsenal, and not have people laugh in your face.

Your pictures tell a story and come from the head and the heart. Shame? Never!

btw, I know you weren’t serious!

GUAU!!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

This may sound super geeky, But, the work that you have posted on this site made me buy this program !! Your style Is Just Plain Great!!!

Moochie said Poser…u should stop listening to 70’s David Bowie…:wink:

marcel, I love these images. My favourite is the first, there is just something about it that I really amuses me. Its the style almost like a pastel colouring, very subtle. Then you got the orc just stood there waiting.
I dunno, but I like it…

Marcel, I hope someday to be in a Bookstore and see a beautifull hard cover book entitled: ‘Marcel, Creations of a Zbrush Wizard’. I would snatch it up immediatley.:smiley:

Very nice work Marcel.
i caught the Jules Verne reference…yep very great writer…and inspiration.

Just had to add my note… I so thoroughly enjoyed viewing your art! Thanks so much for sharing these. Totally inspiring!

I had to post on this…
I rarely ever post…but I’ve stared at these image again and again…such subtle use of colors…

really fabulous work…
Would love to see what some of your zsphere models looked like…

Really nice renders as ever.

All I can say is that it is excellent art and I like each for it’s own peculiarities.

I must admit that the bus stop is also my favourite.



congrats 4 CGT-top-row, marcel dude :smiley: :+1:

when I saw the traffic sign in the thumbnail I knew I had to check this thread … I liked the elephant-train-boat very much as well … cool and whimsical images, M Marcel

Very good work and nice render!!!:wink: :+1: