
Soft gradient backgrounds using a Cyclorama -Newbie tip

Hi Boozzy
He he, like mister Hyde, I should have an hidden side :slight_smile:
Yes, I am a reckless driver on my feminine side :smiley:

With the explanation of gummie, I am in fact β€œZelig” :smiley: :wink:
(for the fan of Woody Allen of course :smiley:

My gift of the day :slight_smile:
It’s french too :slight_smile:
You find here many cars in your style !
Clic on the model for Zoom and you will see an hilarious sheep for navigate previus/next :slight_smile:
Don’t miss to explore the site (Catalogue, Artistes,…) I think you will love it !
And maybe you will can challenge for a model !

Sorry for the β€œzz” of Boozzy, but for me it’s more poetic and remind the clown Bozo :slight_smile: Yes, one β€œz” in Bozo, but I always believed that there are 2 :smiley:
Have good surfing !
Ps Thx Gummie
I have finding that ! You right :wink: