
Sketchbook -Mantis-

<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>

I am assuming this one right? That’s cryptcrawlers work, ‘the final challenger’.

Thanks all for the kinds comments!

I can’t see any picture in your post but that’s probably done from him, the picture I got is named The final challenger.
I found his real name and it is Brad Rigney but can’t find his picture on the web.
Thank you for the precision.

Excellent model, great sculptures!!! Congratulations!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Here are some new shot of my hydralisk.

Hope you’ll like it.

High Rez Wide Shot



Excellent work!!! Very well done!!! Congratulations!!!


Awesome sketchbook - love the Asaro head plane sculpt. How did you go about doing that?

Really sweet work.

Outstanding Sculpting and Sketchbook…:+1:
Straight into my favorites folder.:slight_smile: …Really Inspiring works…Thanks for sharing :+1:

very good lightsetup

Very clean and realistic renders. Any chance of sharing your render set up.

Thank you all.

The lighting is fairly basic, it’s an IBL Lighting with maya and MR and an Area light with realistic decay (quadratic).
I’m working in linear space, that can help to achieve better result.
Nothing really special here.

i remember seeing this post back then when i was still learning box modeling… and the amazing thing is the stuffs here still holds up after more than a year.

what a great thread

very nice thread! I really enjoyed the work in here. That last hydralisk render is kickass. Looking forward to see more of your art :+1:

Hi all,

I’m resurecting this thread with some sculpts I did.
So here are they

This one is a quick concept sculpt just to have fun.

An other concept sculpt trying to find something interesting.


This one is a speed sculpt,it was based on a concept fron vinodram called the faun.


And this one was from Dave Rapoza, the old Yoda style guy he did for schoolism.

Hope you’ll like it.

An other speedsculpt from today.
It’s Sagat from Street Fighter.

Approximatly 1h20 using Dynamesh.


lovely sketchbook man! some of the models are pretty dope!

Thank you Shoaibmalik.

Here is an other little study.
I was more concerned about the form than the details.
And I played a little bit with the waxpreview wich is quite fun.

Here it is.


An other work done with Zbrush and maya.

It was sketched in Zbrush than I used the base as a guide in maya.



New work.
I’m testing blendshape, and everything was done inside Zbrush, base head and shapes.
I find it much more faster and pleasing than doing the shapes in maya.

Here are the shapes:

And here is an animation test to see how it behave:

I finished my interface and can finally play with my blendshapes.


And a link to youtube with the inteface in action.

http://www.youtube.com/v/KPDfMpuK2fQAnd just for fun all the blendshapes used for the rig.

Great job Mantis! Really credible blendshapes! Keep it up the good work! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: