
Sea Rex

and again …

very impressive!
i like it to see your work,… i like it really!
fantastic reproduction of theese prehistoric dudes!

what do the doctors say about that? the professors etc? arent they totally flippin out to see theyr things “alive”?

got no words anymore… it catapults me back millions of years…

are there any artists around you, which are (re)producing the prehistorical environmentals ? or small insects? i would be interested in…

maybe you can point me to some interesting sites about that kind of environments or insects… so me can do it just for practice and interest :smiley:

great … great great work

sincerly regArts

woww…iam big fan pf your artwork gallery…so what software you use after makeing in zbrush?..did you use normal mapp?..

haha oh dude those are just awesomely scarry, what era are these beasts from?

Thanks All and specials thanks for :

Sebcesoir, Marcus_civis and Jason Belec :wink: :bulb: :smiley:
Your intervention on Sylvia’s thread touch me and I’m very honored.
I remember your help and support on ZBrush 2.5 and all Beta tests :wink: :smiley: :+1: :+1:

Today, this thread and my all modeling work is born thanks to Pixologic and beta test work, full beta test — Boum !!! CPU and “white nights” :roll_eyes:

I say it again, ZBrush 3 and 3.1 is :large_orange_diamond: THE REAL EVOLUTION :large_orange_diamond: in 3D world. Absolutely

Cf on my WebSite :

" From late 2004 I totally stopped working traditionnel sculpture so as to work exclusively with ZBrush sculptur. Between December of 2006 and May 2007, I experimented, for Pixologic, the different Beta versions of ZBrush3.
Nowadays, I principally work with ZBrush. It’s as though Pixologic has liberated me from many of the constraints imposed upon me with the materials I was using. In that sense, Pixologic has afforded traditional sculptors the ideal 3D tool, and at the same time opened up the way towards another dimension, a fresh adventure in 3D.
As a consequence, I now know that there are no limits to organic 3D modelling something which has been both a source of freedom and joy for me …"


Good ZBrush for All and feel free to create :wink: :smiley:

We’re so honored by your reactions and comments! Thanks everybody!

>>> Panstar, I like a lot your “sin eaters”! Yaaah! Cool to go on your Myspace with Junkie XL: our favorite play-list with Trentmoller! & + :smiley: Thank you for the Saturnia Pyri … So great if you have a bug collection: it’s a so wonderful source of inspiration!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

>>> Sebcesoir, thanks! Soon are coming other incredible critters…
That’s crazy how evolution can offer surprises!!!
Past, Present, Future… :smiley: We follow with graciousness your excellent work! :wink:

>>> Marcus, I will never thank you enough about the fundamentals and your help! :sunglasses: But now, hehe! Other WIPS are coming to strengthen your feeling! :wink: :laughing:

>>> Jason, Aaah! Great to hear you here, even if we don’t have sounds! Exploring those worlds means absolutely a kid’s passion… and your (child’s) voice is with us! :sunglasses: :wink:

>>> DocChaos, “what do the doctors say about that? the professors etc…”
Well, I suppose they are glad to see from their fossils discoverings and publications, a 3D reconstruction as an extension of their own researches…

But a reconstruction have a sense ONLY if it is based on scientists discoveries. If no, it’s SF!

For our works, our roots are skeletons and scientific advices to help us (how many teeth, how can we interprate this bone missing, how is the skin, etc…)

For Sea Rex, we worked with Dr. Nathalie Bardet (paleontologist - CNRS “Paléobiodiversité et paléoenvironnements”, Dept. Histoire de la Terre, MHNH, Paris) who validated our work.
Pascal Vuong, the director, had precise ideas about reconstructions and he gave us precious informations. Each time, what he wanted to see was constructive and his mind was in our mind.
Also, Eldonia helped us a lot, lending us skeletons. :+1:

>>> Rom6, All our work is concentrated about observation of wild life and paleo-researches. For Sea Rex, all technical things and animation were realized by Cube Creative and Mikros image. Special thanks to all the team, specially Yann Couderc from Cube. :sunglasses:

>>> Mikeporetti, those beats come from Mesozoic era, late Jurassic

>>> Marc…Our language is over the oceans and over the time…
Let me show here some of your Liopleurodon’s Wips and one of your locomotion studies. Those last ones are not well-known as a part of your work: for most people, you’re a sculptor.
But your knowledge is much more!

Well, (…) pictures, now!






WOW! not very original I know but it’s all I can say! I’m a total fan of the work you and Marc are doing :+1:

I did some search but could not find an answer so I thought I’d ask - are you making the entire creature in zbrush or are you using other apps to create the base mesh and then bring that to zbrush?

Thanks again! Sorry, I didn’t answer completely to your questions, last time: :o
"are there any artists around you, which are (re)producing the prehistorical environmentals ? or small insects? i would be interested in… maybe you can point me to some interesting sites about that kind of environments or insects… so me can do it just for practice and interest "

Here are some links we use frequently:
dinosoria list of prehistoric and actual animals, history of the planet, etc…
Lesdinos dinos identity
dinosaures-web complete list
prehistoricplanet many links to other sites like BBC,etc…

Douglas Henderson THE reference…
John Bindon Great paleo artist
Prehistoricsillustrated > Paleo gallery: Karen Carr, Julius Csotonyi, Jon Hughes & Russ Gooday, …
Rancor’s forum A forum with many illustrators

For insects, I love this site: bugspics Many pictures of all insects. Also, you can send there your high quality photos and they give you the latin name & more infos…

:+1: :+1: :+1:

Intervain, thanks! All the meshes are made with ZBrush from the beginning to the displacement map. :slight_smile:






was a plesiosauria living 165 - 150 millionsyears ago
Its name means (Greek, kryptos: ‘hidden’/ Greek, kleid- (klets): ‘key, clavicle’ + us) Hidden clavicle.




damn I love the skin! kinda looks like a predecessor of a sea turtle - but what do I know of evolution :rolleyes: :smiley:

the level of detail is amazing


Aye, you may say that again.

propositions for the color of the skin and the first steps for textures researches: spending hours observing nature and wild life… :slight_smile:




s soon as I saw a thumbnail for this thread I hoped it was a Boulay/Lorrain thread. I so look forward to your work, it is utterly inspirational in every way. The modelling, the Science, the imagination, the detail…just superb in every way. Your work must be so enjoyable, using existing species to speculate on the appearance of those of the past. I can’t imagine what it’s like.

I was thrilled to see the Rhamphorynchus, a favourite of mine since childhood. I was always curious about his splayed teeth, but the pictures I’ve seen have all been very rudimentary, the detail of this model is spectacular. How much of his appearance is based on the fossil record and how much on educated guesswork? Certainly your model has fewer teeth than I thought, and the detail of the thumb and joined fingers is like nothing I’ve seen. I’d love to know more about your work and your data.

Thanks so much for this inspiring stuff guys, you are certainly the masters of this kind of work.

Thanks you very mush Michael Loberhofer :wink:

Your messages are true, exceptional and philosophic

With the experience and the observation of the Nature which you have, your messages are invaluable compliments.


Hi, dear:

Very intelligent use of the textures. And very great models, as usual. Very well done.

Hugs from your spanish neightbours.

All the best.

Victor Marin

Very, very nice works here, great work woth textures and details too. Gongrats!

5* from me


Always good to see some professionally modelled dinosaurs. Thumbs up:+1:

This calibre of work is a perfect example of how art can change the way we view our reality… past, present and future.

Many thanks for the truly memorable imagery.

thanks a lot! We’re impatient to see more on your website!
Hugs for you too! :wink:

Alancamara, thank you! :smiley:

Soyseitan, thanks… this kind of work is continuously evolving (for scientists as well as for us) and learning us everyday… :cool:

Stormsinger, :o I’ve no words. Many thanks to you!

Other WIPS of Cryptoclidus: color textures, then bumps and a plesiosaur’s skeletton we could photograph thanks to Eldonia…









:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Sylvia…amazing work and attention to detail. you’re takin’ it to another level. thanks for the inspiration.