
Science is Sexy!

haha, you put ur body dream on him. well done . thumb`s up

Thanks for looking it!:smiley:

<DD>A prolific artist who works or studies excessively. </DD><DD>U are respected by all for your determination and toughness.</DD><DD> </DD><DD>Great work!</DD><DD>Adorable! I love the way this work of art was set up.(☆_☆) </DD><DD>Go,go,go,Capricornus!:cool: </DD>

Hi all
thanks for looking my pic.
there are some images to show the detail;)




Wow! is awsome!!

…and looks a bit like “Yosi” the leader of the spanish rock bando “Los Suaves” :lol:



WOW it is a good reference, I should know that guy before:D

Joey(man cang),Good work,Keep going on!:+1: :+1: :+1:

Joey,Good work,Keep going on!:+1: :+1: :+1:

thank you so much:D

Hi , I already put the image to Cgtalk, and you can use this link, thanks


so curious about how u made that hair from that mesh? can u reply the post for sum’ tutor?..

thanks you very much!

nice job!
I like the detail~!!!:+1:

great!!I like it!!!haha

niu bi master

thanks chao ge, thank for all your help

I just render a basic mesh and paint in photoshop.do not have any especial skill:confused:


Amazing! Somehow I would like to see a different style of render with tweaked lights and such and I can totally put it on my wall and say: TRUE STORY BRO!