
Scared Silly Entry by Ron Harris

Thnx everyone for your comments and votes of confidence…I have confidence in myself but not in this computer. The real world is slowing me way down, but I am trudging onward. Have worked on the black widow this evening. She is zsphered. I have to tweak her. I am using a 2.0 skin material on her.

thnx again. Hopefully I can get it finished.


ps. Was able to get out of bed today and the kids and I decorated the house for Halloween outside. This weekend is the costume contest at the local winery so I also have to prepare for that…lol…when it rains it pours.




hey, great to see your work, and its very creative!

Those models are coming along very well Ron! Great characters! Looking forward to the final image.

thnx Yari and Dave.

Been working on a bat from zspheres also tonight.


quick paintup of the little bat




Well, first off I want to thank all of you for your kind words etc on this thread.

I ran into a major problem. My ambitions on this project apparently were alot higher than that of my computer. I began assembling my scene in a mockup of my original concept using the models I had been making for this contest. I was going to hit the render button and z crashed and repeatedly did this. I blame this on my computer and not on z3.1. This is an old system (ancient PIII). So I am at a cross roads of sorts…loved my original concept, but am going to have to come up with something else. So at this point I am brainstorming, but the other concept is now dead in the water.

Should I come up with something feasible I will go back through the process again…I have one little quicky idea for a new one …

Concept…The mummy sitting on a toilet in a bathroom with his arms extended holding an empty toilet paper spindle. He is oriented toward the shower, begging for more TP. The occupant in the shower is half wrapped up with the shower curtain gasping in horror and shock. Alternatively I could do the reverse with the mummy in the shower and the shower occupant on the toilet?

What do ya think? Dunno if this is similar to any others in the contest?


When it rains it pours.:cry:

The sketch is another rough quicky



Bummer about the old system. Been there:cry:

Your new concept is pretty funny. I would zoom in on just him on the can. His predicament is the funny part of the story so you don’t really need the gal in the shower. You might even want to play off of the idea that he is wrapped on potential “toilet paper” and that he has a tough decision ahead:p

Good luck


Gary’s Scared Silly Entry

thnx Gary…yeah…was doing another mockup of the sketch in z and it happened again…:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

rebooting and starting over…o the pain, William…the pain, the pain…



yeah was able to at least get a screen capture before it was whisked away into nothingness…:evil: time to reboot and smoke a cig and take many deep breaths…

The bathrooms looking great. I was originally going to do the Mummy sitting on the stool with a empty roll in one hand, an end of his wrap in the other while looking at a very nervous cat on the floor. I ended up changing to another idea though. Great minds work alike:rolleyes: Ya can’t loose with bathroom humor.

Unfortunately my time keeps getting used up and I’ve barely started. I’m going to do this though, damn it!!! I’ve freed up two days between now and the end.

Good luck with the computer problems. Some of it may be ZBrush I’m afraid. I’m getting crashes on a new Core Duo and my Pentium 4 machines at odd times and mainly while attempting renders. I’m starting to think it is a graphics card issue. Both machines have decent cards but not being a techy sort I just guess.

First of all - yes go for it!
In regards to the realisation of your idea.
I find that a lot of the times a good idea gets swamped by our artistic wish to create a perfect or at least a great developed image utilizing the most that the program can offer.
Although this is a laudable approach it asks the question as to whether the “message” is overshadowed by the “technique” and whether that is really a good thing. I often struggle with this aspect too.
I have often decided to kill the technique as much as possible and get that message out because I feel that this is more important.
Just a thought as to how one can work within the confines of ones tools and still get stuff done!

PS In regards to political correctness: It is a world wide phenomenon and is to some extent a good thing but has seriously run out of control. I find that it has done so because many people do not want to offend their friends and colleagues or do not want to be cantancorous etc but there in lies the problem. PC is like a cancer - if you do not cut it out in your daily life it will become the norm and then we have people telling us what to do in a very loud and righteous manner which is just very disgusting and unwanted.
The Democrats and the loony left liberals etc are developing a style that is not unlike what communism was in eastern europe which I can tell you from first hand experience was very ugly. The problem in the US is that this PC stuff has become a way to shut down dialogue in the middle ground and that is a very dangerous direction. The Democrats have been hijacked by this leftist madness and has turned the politics of the US into a polarized society and then they have tha gaul to blame the Republicans. The reason why the US is in such a state politically is because the moderate Democrats have become a group of bigtime WIMPS and are not standing for what once were Democratic values.

The deformation pallette is a little bit buggy, it regularly causes my PC at work to crash and that’s a dual core with 2gig of mem. Support told be it was lack of memory. Though I’ve seen a few people with decent PC’s with the same issue, I assume enough people have said something now and pixologic will be working on solving the issue.

Hey, I feel your pain. It happens to me too from time to time for strange reasons including some instances when I use the deformation pallette.

Your scene, or past scene, looks good though hehe.

Save and save often Ron, It’s too bad your having so many problems man, wish I could help. I have also been having bug issues.:frowning:

I hear ya. Auto back feature would be nice!
hint, hint (ZB)