

Fantastic work! Great work on the textures too. Top row for sure!

it’s a really great model, well done Daemon3d :slight_smile:


Amazing stuff , great work dude!!!


good work man!

The blue is a bit saturated, but otherwise it looks amazing.

Really Great work! Awesome texture !

Nice but to clean :slight_smile:
Привет хочу ворос задать но не могу по английски.
Ремешки всякие у тебя в отдельных сабтулзах ? Если да то как ты их в нормал мапу потом загнал ? Може по англ ответит что бы народ тоже поучился :slight_smile: спс

I like the saturation of the blue, but I dont like how its even saturation over the entire thing. Looks like it just got a sweet new paint job. subtle desaturations on areas that bend alot (elbows) and on areas that get used alot (pockets zippers) will really bring that next level of realism.

Excellent. Well done on the lowpoly base. The textures look great to. Top row for sure :+1:

Wow! Really Cool! :smiley:

thats badass man… great job… i dig it a lot lol…

Thats really cool man! love the textures a lot! Great work dude! Now, i think you should definitely pose him. :smiley:


Great work.

One crit though. I know the ears are hidden but they seem to be too far back on the head.


Wow man- simply amazing work! Ur texturing and modeling are superb! Excellent use of polys too!
Are u gonna dirty him up a bit or leaving the textures as is? Might be kinda kool to see some dirt and stains on him.

*****5 stars! Keep it up! :+1:

Very nice man:+1:

wow , so great one , man :+1: perfert work

beautiful modeling …

nice model and clean normal mapping
but i think the texture need more work cos now it looks more like plastic toy
u should add more worm and dirt to make it look more believible
overall…it’s good;)

Excellent work, 5 stars.
Did you use ultimapper for normal map generation? Did you split the body on several parts like hands, legs, torso and then bake maps separately for each part?

Nice work,where did u bake normal maps?

Great work.
On site also very cool and impressive works!