
Ryan Kingslien Beta Images and a New Movie (4-25-07)

Awesome work and great to see a ZB3 sculpting video showing the shading etc, and you gotta love those little hints you guys keep dropping about various new tools with virtually limitless potential…cant wait to play with the clay…:sunglasses:

That realy is some fine modling you have done there Ryan. Thanks for the demo movie and hope to see more of your work soon :+1:

That sounds really interesting. I have wanted things like that many times.

Thanks, and again, good sculpting in the video.

Great stuff Ryan! I personally like the centaur scene but the work on the video is very cool too, the appearance of real clay that’s it :slight_smile:

Keep them coming Ryan.


lol , and i had the impression that Ryan is only a Coder !

Edited first post and added a new movie! :slight_smile:



Nize. I like to see you work. Some audio about the process would be nice on the next one. :wink: You’ve got lots of free time right?

Wow the new movie is awesome, watching you work is outstanding, you seem so fluid and precise, and I just cant believe it Z3 looks like a completely different animal. Thanks for sharing this! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :smiley:

I’ve worked as a toy sculptor for years. That video looks like a hunk of Chavant floating in space. The rake tool looks great. Very much like the real thing!
What are the settings you use to get that? Some sort of alpha brush? I’d love to give that method a shot. I can easily see bronze artists starting in Zbrush in the near future. Outputing to resin and then re-casting into wax.

I hate you guys…

…for teasing us so much! :smiley:

I don’t think I’ve been anxious for a date to roll around since I was 6 waiting for christmas.

No sculptor’s tool kit is ever complete without a variety of handmade rakes. Ask any FX sculptor… Everything from jeweler’s saw blades to bandsaw blades to the All Time Classic- THE GUITAR STRING RAKE.(anybody know what I’m talkin about?)
Not only can we make our own custom texture stamps, but we can soon make our own tools. Awesome…

Don’t listen to 'em Ryan! He’s just kidding! Keep ‘em comin’! I’m eating up every little peek into Z3 I can get in anticipation of the release. It may be a little geeky to admit this…but I’ve actually cancelled plans on release day so that I can play with Z3 all day!

Love the videos. Thanks!

awesome videos in here thx :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I dig the last video Ryan. Great skills. Cant wait for the new version.

That’s really impressive, Ryan! I really like how you are using a flat brush initially to define the planes of the face. The form really seems to pop out very fast that way.

My wacom hand is getting itchy… :lol:

I think your work just put me into digital Nirvana,
thanks for the experience…:smiley:

Fantastic. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Cool…I like that…very “Auguste Rodin” !!!

I can’t wait too get my hands on ZBrush3 :lol:

I have only one thing to say: GIVE US MORE VIDS!!! :slight_smile:

Poor guy. :cry:

He shouldn’t have smashed up the centaur’s car when he borrowed it.