

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: Love the piece! Thanks so much for sharing your process!

It’s very cool!thank you for share your work detailed description

Awesome Job Vitaly and thanks for the breakdown! Congrats on the well deserved Top Row:D

Wow…really awesome and great tutorial!

That’s really incredible! Well done! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Really really appreciate you spending the time to write us this nifty tutorial. :slight_smile:

thanks a lot for sharing.Fantastic work.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
I wonder how do you get this ideas for the technical stuff?

Thx so much for sharing your knowledge!! 5 Stars!

Awesome tutorial really thanks Bulgarov :+1:

Thx for the tutorial.

It expands my mind for using zbrush.

Cheers djart

Wowza…thanks for the insight to how you involve PS with your work…:smiley:

Hey guys! Thank you very much for your kind comments! I’m really glad you like that.

cherub_rock: That model for the dvd took about 3 weeks from concept idea to final highpoly model. It looked fast because as you could see I skiped such parts for example full backpack modeling and some other parts to fit dvd format requirements.
You asked: “Also due to your sculpting technique in xsi, did you had to revisit the uv’s?” I’m not quite sure I understand the question. I didn’t do uv’s for the highpoly model. I did uv’s for in-game lowpoly to bake normal maps.

slocik: Thanks for your opinion! At least I’m glad you can keep that version what you like which has the same resolution size :wink:

CoryCosper: You’re probably right, it would be different if to make the full process from making uvs to drawing textures and render it in any film-production renderers. But film-production pipeline is what I do at work. So regarding to my personal stuff I mostly aim just to get fun from the process and don’t spend time doing uv’s and stuff:) And I also see great potential in using Zbrush in illustration purpose. Anyway thanks for the suggestion!

alexleia: Thanks a lot my friend! Allways appreciate feedback from you!

Wow that’s an incredible tutorial. Very interesting way to render and looks very productive.

Thank you so much! A priceless collection of cool tricks! :slight_smile:

Wow i simply love it, N1! Thank you for sharing the infos :+1:

Vitaly this is a great piece of art you have ,dispite one little thing. I personaly think the wings outline one the chest spoils a bit, because your character is alredy very detailed in lines and textures and those wings comes to overdose the whole comp and it also looks more like watermark than something carved on the metal.
And again this is just my opinion but still your work is great and I admire your attention to details. 5stars.


Excellent explanation and tutorial. Thank you very much!

great explanation Vitaly, really tnx

Great tutorial !

absolutely fantastic! <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>
How about making this type of image with your marine guy ? :slight_smile: