

Excellent work. Very good use of zspheres, and you indeed know your workflow pretty well. Congratulations !

(but you really got to avoid using those terrible emoticons on your pictures:
=> ^-^ or T_T = NO NO NO !)

Keep up the quality work dude :slight_smile:

impressive sculpt, really like it. glad you did not rely on alpha map details

unbelievable character design and sculpt! congrats man!

Ahhh! this master-piece remind’s me of the boss’ from “Starfox Adventure’s”.
Well anyway ’ AAA+ can’t wait for next update keep up the good work. :open_mouth:

Nice one on the top row!! Well sculpted! :sunglasses:

Deserves Top Row! Yessss. I have this as my wallpaper. Killer sculpt. I dig it.

BTW. What does TOT mean?

buddy,you have a wonderful zsphere techniques, the model is amazing and detailed, waiting for your texturing and posing!
By the way how many subtools did you use? Is the membrane between the Queen’s legs a single subtool? And whether the spines are seperate subtools?
Thank you!!

Congratz on TR! Awesome use of ZSpheres / great sculpting :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !

wow ! love it ! greaaat !!!

I appreciate joyfully!

Amazing work!!! Starcraft 2 team needs to see this!! amazing job :slight_smile: 5/5:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

That’s just amazing! Great sculpt!:+1:

EEj Dude, i fell in love at your work. Nice style. Go beyond…

groetjes perpetual:+1: :+1:

awesome dude!!

really nice model the detail work is awesome

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Congrats! Very nice sculpture and design! Top row :+1:

Well I think in the Breakdown shot “Chapter 5” its mentioned "Sub Divide 2 OBJ + ZBrush Normal map " that made me think the artist used Normal map and not Disp map.
It would be nice if the artist himself clears this but again really inspiring work !!!

Awesome work !!!:+1:

if no displacement were used in this model, the poly count had to be huge before exported to MAYA and render in mental ray for just the NORMAL MAP have the detailed on the surface, that is fine for a still

for me the workflow would be using dispalcement and normal map so not have heavy objects in MAYA and render times