

Thanks everyone!
I’m really glad you like my style!
Thanks! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Really Really great stuff you got here :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Ya, great pictures and a very cool technique! Can’t wait for the making of~!

Can’t wait for the making of… Very cool style

Ciao Marcello! Sta roba spacca XD

Congrats mate, awesome works…i can’t wait for you to refine the technique and share some hint on how you achieve such an innovative style, very interesting…

Continua così :wink:

Ciao Andrea ti ringrazio per l’incoraggiamento! :smiley:

I hope to finish as soon as my projects and share the technique with you!!! :wink:

Hi guys!
It’s time to post my new Polysketch works! :wink:
I hope you like it!


  • Polysketch - Sound of silence Clay

- Polysketch - Sound of silence_02.jpg
- Polysketch - Blood Bowl Clay

- Polysketch - Blood Bowl_Clay.jpg

  • Polysketch - Ink Warrior Clay

- Polysketch - Ink Warrior_02.jpgUntitled-1.jpg

Very cool results. There is a painter named Francis Bacon, who wasnt a very good drawer or painter, but he created his own style of painting and kept at it for many years and became known as the best living painter in the world…while he was alive…

What an unsual way to use ZB, I love it, it has a lot of dynamic to it, and yet you manage to keep poetry in the picture…Great work, i’d love to see your workflow, very inspiring!

Brilliant!:+1: I admire people who is always looking for new ways of expression. This is a clear example. Very inspirational Congratulations!!

Wow, I love it ! I thought they were 2D concept arts, I really like those three polysketchs, very good job! :+1:

O_O…omfg… it’s amazing man… how did you do that?

Aaah this lovely art :slight_smile:

These look incredible! what is your technique?

This is by far one of the coolest thing I’ve seen here. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of awesome sculptors out here… but this… this is something else. Just look at how everybody (myself included) wonders how you did it. To me, your technique makes the image stronger, more intense. It’s fascinating.

Very very well done. Keep 'em coming.

(and of course, if you don’t mind, take a moment to give us a little insight on how you do it) :slight_smile:


Very very cool style!

absolutely brilliant work.

Absolutely an innovative use of the tool! Wondering about the workflow!

This is what I am missing from 3D art, put the “art” in there!

There is NO reason for 3d art to be absolute watertight models, with microstructure level pores. We already got that in reality and film.

This is one of the futures of 3d, and its gonna be amazing for new animation and art.


This stuff is too cool for words…

This is what Zbrush is all about.