
Polydrawer`s Sketchbook

Here are the final shots




Looks awesome! Iā€™d look into the bend on the inner side of the elbow :+1:

Such a beauty!

Very nice picture man but something strange is happening with his elbow.
And the light under his pantsā€¦ where is the source of this light? I think that there is too much bright on it even if the light behind him falls on the rock and then on his pants.

I love this little creature sitting on his arm.

that would be very cool to see the progress of this oneā€¦

They make quite a couple. Iā€™m glad you stayed clear of a full up-skirt shot :slight_smile:
Wonderfully realized work and for all itā€™s merits I find myself being thrilled the most by the movement in his trousers.
Thatā€™s some billowy and playful sculpting going on in those trousers.

Great spirit and sense of presence in the characters.

Great stuff.:+1:

Like this a lot. Very cool work!


Thanks a lot for the kind words guys

Cherub: I can see what you mean now that i focus on it, ill adjust it in the sculpt and maybe update the render lateron for my portfolio Fishinthewater: Yeah i kind of noticed it while compositing , i felt that it didnt bother me enough to adjust the lighting and render everything all over again but when i dp ill put the rimlight a bit higher selahpoetic: Im sorry but i dont have any progressvideos of this one , i do have some screenshots of earlier steps but i dont think thats what you mean

just wanted to let you know that i won the challenge and that this sculpt will be printed and colored by Ownage:smiley:

i canā€™t wait to see the print and once i have it iā€™ll post the pictures over here

Hey man, great :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

thanks :slight_smile:

My latest work



Very clean, and cool orc! :+1:

Nice work, I like your style

thanks a lot guys!

also forgot to post this one


Very cool and plenty of character! 8 )

Its like a mixture of an octopus,Fish, and some form of sea slug I love it.

Beautiful Character!!! Love all of your work!!!

thanks a lot guys ,

heres the arttest i did a few months ago for the Starcraft team over at Blizzard. proud to say i got the job :smiley:
this was made before zremesher came to zbrush so i might change my workflow these days ^^






Cool work and big congrats on the job!