
Please, write your post in English language

Rtyer, rire gutsy

gutsy laughing gutsy lachen el reir gutsy ridere gutsy :)

I thought everyone had agreed to only post in Zendui.
It was getting kind of thick there wasn’t it?

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

It would certainly be easier for me if everyone posted in English. But that’s not xenophobia - it’s simply because I share the laziness that seems endemic among the English-speaking nations that considers learning one language is quite sufficient, whereas many of our continental neighbours have a good grasp of two or more languages. Luckily the request has come from Cameyo who is Italian, so I cannot level similar judgements against him as at myself!

In one sense, since the forum is hosted in English, then I guess it is most appropriate to post in that language to more easily communicate with the majority - if you can. But I would not want anyone to feel that they should not post because of an assumed language barrier - many of us do have the rudiments of a second (or more) language that enable us to struggle through at least reading a post in another tongue (failing that there is always Google or similar services, imperfect though they are).

I have considerable admiration for those who have the courage to regularly WRITE posts in a language that is not their native tongue. Whilst I can usually stumble through a reply in French or German, I would hesitate a long time before attempting to post a reply in either language!

Nor do I think anyone posting in English for whom that is not their first language should feel the need to apologise. Conscious of our own inadequacies in other languages, I’m sure we would all forgive the occasional lapse or idiosyncrasy. In fact though such posts are often written in better English than a good number that emanate from some for whom it is their native tongue!

So my view is if you can conveniently post in English, then great - that will save me and many others here some little effort and ease our understanding. On the other hand, if you can’t or if it is difficult and time-consuming for you to write in English, then post in your own language anyway. At worst we can all access automated translation aids. I like the cosmopolitan feel of this place.

Vive la différence! :smiley:

What about us Texicans? Do we need to start speakin’ English, too?


As an American living in WV, who speaks only American English, I should probably prefer English only in the forums as well. I simply don’t feel it’s ever caused me a problem. My friend and I went looking for an example and found one in Spanish that we were able to decipher just by thinking about it for a minute or two. I not only don’t mind these comments but I find them uplifting. It’s a great reminder that there are talented artists worldwide who meet here to discuss zBrush and art in general!

Wow what an interesting thread! After reading all the posts so far I felt I would like to add my thoughts on the subject. First, English is definitely the easiest for me to understand as it is my first language. But being Canadian we have two official languages, French being the other one. And I have to admit that I enjoy reading the posts done in French, it challenges me to remember the French I once knew, and at times I have replied to a post in French, partially to keep in touch with my French.

On a larger note, I really don’t care what language a person posts in, I can still appreciate the art and if I really want to know what has been said, I can go get a translation. No big deal!

Thanks/Merci or Miigwetch which is Ojibway for thank you. Maybe I will use Ojibway for my next post… :smiley:

lol Jay…as a matter of fact I have my best friend on the way over to the house now…he is Mexican American…He and I talk alot about race and language barriers and stuff…he is full blooded Mexican, though has lived in the US his whole life and has visited Mexico once. When I asked him about if he had been to Mexico, his immediate comedic racial response which threw me for a loops was, “Well have you ever been to Scotland” . Cracked me up but he had a good point.
His pic is on one of the fishing threads I posted on the community forum. Anyways, he told me that he didn’t learn to speak spanish until he was like 14ish. It wasn’t allowed in his house, due to the fact that his parents told him that he had to speak english first. They are old school, and raised him to think (which is true to a large degree) that he would not do as well in life if he did not have a firm grasp of english. He said he understood when spanish peoples spoke but did not speak it until around 14 or so. I found that so interesting. He also was raised in his community/city of Muleshoe that all white people had money…LOL…he married a white girl and found out she was more poor than he was. David is my best friend though and a great leader. He is the cubmaster in our scouting organization here.

Now far as me speaking another language. Well I speak enough spanish to get into a fight for talking about one’s mother.

I know enough german to eat, get to the bus station and also get into a fight.

I have a firm grasp of pig latin :wink:

And I still struggle with zifs :slight_smile:

Very interesting thread. Some kewl points and no body is fighting…so kudos yall.

Kitty, you are a hoot… :+1:

I wish, speaking globally, that we had more of our asian brethern on the forum also. I too like the cosmopolitan feel of the forum for the most part.

As long as you can speak redneck, then you will be able to understand my own southern waffling.

I did have to look up bullocks the other night though after reading a post…thank the Lord for dictionaries

have a great weekend yall :+1: :+1: :+1:

fdjshdsui osit9weuh osdtfh9w :smiley:

Gary - Error: Does not translate.

Donna - Bet that would give Google a head-ache!

Jay - I guess we could make an exception for Texicans.


Hoot Hoot, Ron I am a owl now, but not as wise, I still use a dictionary for English words :slight_smile:

Huee de huee, Ron je suis un hibou maintenant, mais pas comme sage, j’emploie toujours un dictionnaire pour des mots anglais :slight_smile:

Many Blessings

Ah, Kitty you speak french now without accent :smiley:
Bravo :slight_smile:

One thing to note is the current limitation of free translation software. I use the google toolbar and a simple right click will translate an entire site for me. However it has problems when multiple languages are used, like if the formatting is in english and then there are a few lines in another language, it tends to just assume the other language is in english without translation as is the case on this site. With the manual translations some visitors might have to translate one non english language to english before it can be translated into their own native tounge. Since english seems to be the “esperanto” of translation software.

For those not aware of it, the google toolbar can be found here Google Toolbar

It will translate whole sites easily, if they are in a single language, to whatever language you pick including elmer fudd, pig latin, and quite a few more.

Hi Matuka
Yes translator is useful for have an idea of the text but just an idea :slight_smile:
Translation is often surrealist :cool:
But in some years maybe some technology discoveries permit to have perfection :slight_smile:

Hi Jay, Fly, Ron, Washinton, Mtb…you are in english the “Marcel Proust” of the forum for me :cool:

Je peux dire une connerie ?
(translation : can I say something stupid?)

And can we speak french if we translate after ???
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi all,
i don’t think this thread grows so much…
I want to specify some things:

  1. I don’t write/read well in english (or american, or International english…), but it’s the language of this forum…then i try to write with it.
  2. The grammar is not important…if you can understand the general meaning
  3. The tips, info, tutorial are more simple if they are in english
  4. more i have told: “if you can…”
  5. thre is no personal attack to French, Spanish, Mexican or other language.
  6. Google can translate, but you must connect to internet (money, money, money) and the traslation is not good…
    Final: if you post in English you have more audience and helps more people.

Sorry for any problems


p.s. i have changed my idea: you must post in ITALIAN (or ZULU) :wink: :wink: :wink:

Zulu works for me.
tisambi difini esai prego ronzoni lasagna!

Hi Curo
Your translation is some nice :smiley:
Google gives “connery” ??
I believe that the right term is bullsheet or crap !
But i think it should be more profitable to say in french “Puis-je dire une billevesée?”
for learn some old beautiful french word :cool:
Basic slang language can be useful but the old langage is so poetic :slight_smile:
Ps Of course Google has not “billevesée” :rolleyes:
Meaning is “nonsense,stupid idea”
Pss A big default of Google : he gives just one word (when he has) for a translation, not synonym :frowning:
Psss And for translate italian to french I must first translate italian to English and after English to french ! :rolleyes:

Hey! I also usually have problems with translation, because each language has its own specifics, so I want to find a reliable resource and not experience translation problems in the future.