
Paul Sullivan's Undead - wip images page 5

Can I join the rest, and just say: Awesome :smiley:
Love it man, really great modeling!
Only crit would be those spikes on the shulder pad, I think they could use some more work, they look a bit like you just pulled them out of the mesh.

very cool. really love the flow and especially in the hairy parts.
great work.


Hey Bruno! Great work man! Superb! 5* Muito foda, curti pra carai! :smiley:

Wow!! fantastic sculpt… :+1: :slight_smile:

That is one Bad Piece. Noce!

Friggin awesome!!! Loving the muscles, expression and all attributes! Great sculpt!

Wow man, awesome work dude!! Do caramba mesmo véio!!! 5* for sure.

What a beautifully undead creature!

Amazing Detail! Great work

awesome work…:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

well…5 *

… I’m out of words, looks great, you did the concept justice for sure, even
pushed out the concept a bit further,


Oh man !!! this is great !!! :+1: wow

Now this is high art. Based on a concept, brought to the third dimension, this is an incredible vision of the mind’s eye. A nightmare, death, horror, depth. Thanks for posting.

That’s some great sculpting there! I’ll be watching this closely! Maybe some pictures of your process? Thanks! 5*

I actually think it’s better than the concept, has much more flow and dynamism in the way you’re opened the jaw and placed the beard … really cool :+1:

very inspirational piece! Love it :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great zbrush sculpting, I really enjoy the continuity of forms. Excellent work!

Wow this is exquisite.

Made me feel good all over.

tops. neat work.