

Cyril Farudja, thank you!

Tungers, thanks for your feedback.

Guys, your opinion is important to me.

Hi All!

Finally! Today, we gathered all of the panels into one!


I hope you enjoy!

I do enjoy!:+1:
Interesting thread.Inventive use of the cnc machine.Cool!

Jmeyer, thank you very much!

wow, that is an amazing sculpt!

This is awesome. Great Work

Andy.chen, thank you!
Cloudrid3r, thank you!

This is AMAZING, congrats!

Spyridon Boviatsos, thank you very much!

…nice work just using a 3 axis…

Airbrush, thank you!

I like this. Design, technique and all. I have been contemplating about investing into low-end CNC router setup for a while. Trying to get the sense of what’s possible within the confines of my budget. And this gives me a pretty solid idea. Thank you for sharing.

Dulkan, thank you!

If my work is a little help to you, I will be very happy.

not much knew their jobs more became a great admirer now: Legal:

Nice Job.

Jhon_Erick, thank you very much!

ReyH, thank you very much!
I looked at a photo of your work. What you are doing is very cool and professional. And it’s the right thing for other people.
Big respect for you and your friends!