

tried sculpting one of simon lee’s pieces


you have some amazing stuff here, congrats :+1: my favorite is the red one, the starbarian :slight_smile:

thanks dan :wink:

Really cool stuff you got there! :+1:

thank you santis

concept by stillenacht

Hey, I’m “Stillenacht” on Deviant art and I gotta say I’m impressed and flattered! :smiley:

That is so weird but I love it!

thank you

female face study

concept by mr jack http://www.deviantart.com/art/Guardian-363231598

Very nice! Your crab guy is cool. Also the tongue guy is AWESOME lol. How do you do your pours? I like your wrinkle and skin detailing could you give me some kind of glimps as to how you achive that?

Great stuff, the crab will be just a sculpt or you are going to finish it?

Really cool work pablo! Love the surface quality you got in your work. Feels very natural!

@clintus, just using standard, dam standard and clay
@fabio,@jordy thanks guys!

conept by http://stillenacht.deviantart.com/art/Ghost-Girl-419903154


Crazy awesome! I love it! so weird :smiley:

Wow that skinfolds, I love this sculpt so much! This is a extraordinary scary design from “stillenacht”. :slight_smile:

Really awesome !!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Serious creepy.
Anyway great work on anatomy and skin detail, huge improvement on your old work, great job man.

Oh and good pick on the concept, that guy makes some awesome stuff, his models are also baller.

Wow, you nailed it. Great execution!

Great work! As the one who drew the concept sketch I must say that I’m both impressed and very flattered! :smiley:


thanks to all of you!

small project that started from a speed sculpt

