
Oried The Viking! Concept and Model 3D

Juhanaartwork: Thank you!!

Alexleia: Thank you my friend!!

AcFred: Thanks man! I only marked his eyebrows, still not finished!

N-drew: One of the coolest comments that I received! Thank you!!

Sebcesoir: J Thank you man!!

Marsyas: Thank you!! Well observed! You are right, not so strong. To this I would have to bring his right arm a litlle more close to the sword, but by doing this, his beard would touch his arm, and I doesn’t like the aspect that it have, so I maintain his Rhand not holding so strong , and I think it helps in the feeling of his pose.

Abyss103: haha… Thank you!!

SolidSnakexxx: Thank you Solid!!

The Cheshire Cat: Thanks a lot Cheshire!!

Lucky_1: Thanks a lot Lucky!!

Heres another shot:


Shot at 2007-07-26



nice pose…i like the blend of cartoony and realism…good job!

I love this sculpt. Great style and clean lines.
Superb.:+1: Thanks for showing it.:slight_smile:

Very nice indeed. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

very cool work man , i like the look on his face and pose.
Keep it up.
:+1: :+1:

Hi all! I started today the texture of the Viking, I am posting here the current stage!
Hope you like! Best regards!! Dalton

dncs_83: Thank you!!

SS810: Thank you for your comment!!

Elixir: Thanks!!

Mr Micro 26: Thanks man!!




Awesome job! :+1: one little critique: there’s some thing about his right fist that makes me feel he is not holding on tight enough.

Quality :smiley:

Very, very good model. I like it without a texture, looks great details.


Vikings rule!!! The drawing (concept) is wonderful all the way to the textured model. Can’t wait to see this guy finished so he can go wreck some havoc. Keep it up.

i love it! one question, how did you get him in that pose, did you model it that way or did you use transpose, or move him around in MAYA or something?

This character has great presence, he is very well done. The pose is demanding and his facial expression is intense. I do like the untextured version, but the colored one really brings him to life. I can image some blood stains and stained teeth, maybe even some discoloration in his beard (around his mouth). I can’t wait to see more of this guy and more of your work. Thank you for sharing your creation and best of luck to you.

I do have a question, I am a new kid on the block with Zbrush. I am working on one of my projects and I can’t figure out how to get differenty items in my scene to be different materials. I noticed that you have figured that out… Can you share how you went about doing that? I sure would appreciate any pointers.

Excellent!!! very impressive work.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Wow man this is great work… I can’t wait to see it finished. The pose is very powerful, it’s nice to see not just a great model, but great lines and composition as well. Keep it up!!!

Hi guys! Finally find time to finish the viking! Hope you like it!
Rendered in zb3, composition in photshop.
*. the image of his backs does not have this same treatment, but is cool to see the full model.
Best regards!



Shot at 2007-08-28


Shot at 2007-08-28




F A N T A S T I C ! ! !

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

great work Dalton!!

Alex Oliver

Very cool character style. Nice to see concept work and final result. :wink:

Anandpg: Thank you! I think I already answered about that one in a previous post, good observed.:wink:

Nolan_R: Thank you Nolan!

Dan02: Thank you Dan! I like it both ways, take a look now, its done.

Seavannah: haha..Thanks Seavannah!! Well, he is ready to rock now! Thirteen: Good question, I modeled him in a static position, starting from a xsi basemesh, then I used transpose to put him in the pose, and by doing this I had to resculpted some part of his anatomy. Pw2cr8: Thank you for the kind words!You can do that by pressing “m” tha is aside of mrgb and rgb in zbrush pallete, go to material, choose one that you like, and go to colors, and press “fill object”, by doing this you will fill the current tool or subtool with the material that you have select. Best regards! Skinnyboonez: Thank you skinny!! xxboonexx: Thanks man!! Take a look now. Piz: Thank you!! Alexleia: Thanks my friend!! Jason Belec: Thanks Jason!!

Brilliant. Fantastic work, Dalton.