
Orb - game environment stuff

Amazing work, really very good.

Muy buen trabajo me encanta el estilo, tienes una web con unos trabajos que dan envidia.

Outstanding work!:+1:

Many thanks for all those insights, the video tut and the custom brush.:smiley:


Amazing work!
Is that game out yet? I’d love to check out your models “in person” :wink:

Really ,AMAZING , AWESOME work!!!
Love the traditional painting look!

Alex Oliver

Amazing! Just beautiful work all around!

Superb work!!! Congratulations! Best regards :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

WOWWW!! INsaneeeeee skills and quality!!
You are definitely one of the best out there! congratulation on the top Row! totally inspiring big time! last, thank you so much for being so kind with the workflow. Cheers!

I really love the style and your ‘stonework’. Thank you for showing! :slight_smile:

really really great works man … i just have 1 question how did u make this great texture seamless ? thanks


This is truly inspiring stuff!

Incredible work and well deserved top row! :+1:
Thank you for posting your work, very inspiring and some of the best rock sculpts Ive seen.
Roughly what kind of time frame were you given for each asset?

WOW! This stuff is incredible! excellent detail, it all feels very natural. and the Game conversion came out fairly well also.

excellent job!

Hi! I’m really glad you guys like it.
For this seamless texture, i used the same process as for the floor:


Sculpting only some slabs in zbrush, then modulated with 3ds Max. Since you have 6 faces for a simple slab, you can modulate it, with rotations, scales, pretty quickly. Once i have My high Poly ready in max, i duplicate the sides of the mesh like for the “step 1” of the wall process


And when i bake my maps, if i want a 1024, i bake it bigger (2048 for ex), that way i can crop myself, where the tile works, directly on photoshop. There is many ways to tile a texture, even the “2d canvas auto tile” of Zbrush is pretty usefull.

@AA-ron: We got a pretty decent time, especially at the beginning since it was our first “next gen” game. Few hours for medium-sized assets, like the crystal, the giant bone, or even rocks. 2-3 rock cliffs a day, or even couple days for huge assets, like the platform. We tryed to spent time on modulated/reusable assets, or assets that we see a lot in game.

Hi! What is your process for making your low poly mesh ?

holy hanna…!! Fantastic , can i just chip off a bit of your talent and put it in a jar ? ha

how do you get such good displacements? i have no end of problems with displacements in Maya.

are the assets rendered in the game engine or in Max? if so what material did you use for your crystals/ice.? luv those…

Amazing work and its impossible for man like me to think of doing something like this,
Its great,
Is all this done by a single person?
I still wonder how got that digital painting effect in the final render,

Hat off…

Fantastic work!! Top row :roll_eyes:

5stars :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Really nice work :+1:

they are fantastic,i like these textures and the sculpt in zbrush,my company have been made several region of a big environment,we spent a lot of people on this project,that is a unforgetable experience,and i also learn a lot from that experience. when i see these work you did ,i feel familiar ,although we did not good as yours. really like them, appreciate.:slight_smile:

wicked asset creation - lovely style :slight_smile: