
NZ 666 kshatriya (tutorial page 5)

awesome !!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

this is simply great! the best toprow since some time imho! (tutorial! tutorial!)

Once again this is phenomenal, thanks for sharing.

You must be crazy, man. seriously. Best mecha stuff made in zbrush.
I quote danko for the tutorial. We want it NOW! :smiley:
ot. Danko, iā€™m NeoGeoAes :wink: ciao!

this is amazing workā€¦totally blew me awayā€¦ would love to see some other works!

Hi first of all I would like to thank you all for the support that you given me. I put a small tutorial but Iā€™m not really good on these so please forgive me if you dont like it. :smiley:

     Those are some of the main alphas that I use  to create bolts and tech stuuf you can find it at [http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/downloadcenter/alpha/](http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/downloadcenter/alpha/)
  Lots of people ask me about my texture  process and  I have to tell you that it was the easiest part for this model. Because I spent lots of time sculpting the detail that it save me time from have to paint detail textures.
  Below are my passes that I render from Z brush Using different material 

Some of he most important materials for me was the Flat Sketch material which I use that to fake cavity map and the Darken Edge material for spec lights :+1:

 Here is a pic with all the render layers combine 

 My next step is to chose my color palette and paint flat colors to the surface 


 As soon as I establish my colors my last step is to paint rust and Highlights 


The last thing I want to share with you guys is a render using the new BPR render in Z4 which I thought it was amazing. Really clear renders, I wish I used that earlier. :cry:small_orange_diamond:cry:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:
[<!--[attach=223125]brp_comp copy.jpg[/attach]-->]![brp_comp copy.jpg|1200x900](upload://2PI7vyJomr7WpockT21K824wi4t.jpeg)

I will try to put some more exciting stuff together to share with you guys thanks.damages3.jpgalpha.jpgshadow_box.jpgpasses.jpgtexture1.jpgtexture2.jpgtexture3.jpgbrp_comp copy.jpg

Thanks for the break downs. This is why I keep coming back to this site. :smiley:

Awesome sculpt! :+1:

Thanks for sharingā€¦this model is amazing!!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Way to go buddy, bad assness

kshatriya why the title so may i know please

So most of this was done outside Zbrush?

Well the name means warior of justice and protector of the social harmony and is a gundam mobile suit

oh my god that is flippin sweet!:+1:

:+1: :+1: :+1: Nice Models and Renderļ¼ļ¼ļ¼

very nice model - playing around pays!

one thing i would like to suggest is to use a fresnel pass as well, this would give you a kind of rim light control

:+1: :+1:

regards m

OMG this is absolutely amazing. youā€™ve taken any example of tech on this site to the nth level.please tell me your planning on making tutorials, cause as of yet, i really havenā€™t been able to find anything that comes remotely close to this level

Letā€™s see whatā€™s on ZBcā€¦ HOLY F*CK THATā€™S AWESOME! :+1:

I LOVE it. My favorite out of everything Iā€™ve seen here. Crap. Can you make it into an epic background please? :laughing:

The renders do absolutely zero justice to your model (Which is quite insane i might ad)

you mentioned using shadowbox- but i donā€™t see how thatā€™s possible when earlier you said it was done in 3.5

or am i missing something