
My 3D Sketching Stuff (nudity)

Not checked your thread in a long while. Some great updates here. Cool work on Garfield and that’s a very nice toad too :+1:

Appreciate the comments everyone!

Aberrant, the toad took about 6 hours of sculpting.

I downloaded a base mesh of a female that mnmava created. This will be my first female figure I’ve tried. I worked on the torso, arms, and head and am working my way towards the legs, feet, and hands. I don’t really have a concept yet for her as I’m just trying to get an accurate form. Been pulling lots of reference from here and other sources.

I’m not sure why I’m getting this artifact in the middle of the back. It’s acting like it’s a vertice that’s not welded. I’ll go back later and take a look, but it doesn’t appear in mnmava’s model.





Excellent form!
Really well done. the torso, abdomen, and hips are superb. :smiley:

good start, the neck feels a little too thin/muscular for the body

His model has an unwelded vert on the back. Very good work on the overall model. I think the hips need to be a little wider and the shoulder a bit narrower. She will look more female this way.

just a quick observation…

it looks quite masculine, the ribcage should taper in more below the breasts and higher to allow for the obliques.

The pose isn’t doing you any favors, try pulling the legs in closer
This will help with getting the right amount of curve to the side of the hips and thighs.

in silhouette, push the hips forward and tilt the chest which in turn will tilt the head, just to give it a more feminine grace.

there are a few more things but I think after you adjust a few things the other may fall into place

good progress :+1:

Thanks for the crits! I’ll get back to her at some point. I spent a couple hours doing this guy. Had some fun making this tree character from a cylindar. Only made the face. Rendered in ZBrush.




heh, funny, nice.

Cool man I like it!
The render came out pretty good! I know veeeery little about rendering in zbrush…can you tell me how to get this result??


Hey Slice! I normally use multiple rendering passes with several different lights then comp them together in Photoshop using one of the lights as a main light and the rest as filler or back lighting. I have a tutorial HERE showing my rendering workflow.

One thing I don’t think I mention in the tute is that I usually keep the aperture of the lighting around 50-70 for the main light and 90 for the filler lights. If you use lights which light from behind (more toward the camera), turn off ZMode and only use ZMode on the lights which face away from the camera.

Thanks alot for the kind help man, I’m gonna use your tut and tell you how it went.

Thanks man!




hi kraken…nice lady…i saw that you still have this hole in the back of her…as you mentionend seems that a vert isn’t welded properly…i guess everything shows up correctly welded but it isn’t… here is how i fix this …go and delete the faces around the area and bridge them back… now everything should be fine…

That treebeard model is great, especially with that mossy wood shader on. How did you create that shader ? it really enhances the look and feel of the model.


/ Magnus

I made this bear head for work today. It’s just one part of a garden product item I’m working on. Still, it was fun to do. About 2 hours of work.




Nice looking bear bust. :+1:

Great works :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome fur!!! How did you do that bear fur? Also, were you ever able to get the rusty iron material upgraded to 3.5r3?

You are waaaayyyyy too talented.

Thanks, I appreciate the comments!

Scrybe, I haven’t had much free time lately as I’ve been up to my ears in a personal project at home… Mass Effect 2 on Insanity. :lol: Once completed, I’ll get on those mats! (and a few other projects I’ve been seriously neglecting) :slight_smile: