
My 2007 game model reel

Don’t let it get to you man! I get calls to handle between 3-6 features a year and at least 2 series. If the world smiles, one of those happens.

For the record, you are noticed and things may go your way. :wink:

Thanks guys, I do appreciate it.

Jason, you’re right, I did get noticed, and eventually I’ll get the job I want. Getting noticed is after all, half the battle. :wink:

And, of course, I’m back modeling another character I started a little while back. He’s turning out pretty cool, and I’ll psot him when I’m almost done. I also got some WoW dvd’s, and there’s a part of me that really wants to do some blizzard inspired stuff. I love Blizzard’s art, and would like to get back to the reason I got into 3d into the first place.

Rep, like people say, don’t let it get to ya. Just keep adding to your reel while your waiting and if you ever feel theres a piece in your portolio that isn’t up to scratch, then take it out. They say your portfolio is only as good as the worst piece. So you want to make the worst piece sh*t hot :sunglasses:

Not that I’m saying there are any terrible models in your reel, just trying to give you some friendly advice. On top of that, patience and perseverance is always the key :+1:

Looking forward to your next model as always!