
Monday Night Challenge!!!!

Wow… so many great pigs here! A classy stye I must say, if there is such a thing!
Frouad and MTB’s pigs have great creative personality and Lonnies is just plain awesome. Brian and Dlees are cute and realistic looking… and Rons is scary! Miks oinker looks like he could kick butt! Deevees and Houdinis hogs are nicely done, almost cartoonish! Oh, and EZ yours does look like an animal cracker! ;~) Here is my Boar… thanks for the opportunity to be a part of these challenges.

superb pigs, i am well impressed.
in fact, the standard and quality of work on this forum never ceases to amaze me.
thank you all for sharing these with us.
i hope i can find the time to add my own contribution.
well done all!!!


I REALY REALY like that cute little pig Brian!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Mentat: Did you render Mr. Pig with ZMode off? The shadow from the tusk on the left side looks like that is the case. Did you try a render with ZMode on? Thanks.

Hello to all zBrusher !!! This is my pig !!!

And here’s mine. This thread was just crying out for an “Animal Farm” homage. :slight_smile:

Testing, testing… is this thing on?

First image to post so if it misses…

Still in the learning process, so things missing will be textures or adding in other brushes (as the fiber brush)

The little Pig was heard whispering
You did say you were having turkey for dinner, didn’t you?

All in all, I think the hardest part was waiting for it to be Monday here in my time zone <giggles>

Super first post, Aine. And thanks for trying the challenge. We hope to make this a regular event. No prizes, but a chance to share ideas and stimulate the ol brain cells.

I’m hoping that Monday night (still sunday here) that everyone will come back and comment giving 121 to all the posters.

Monday night I’ll be selecting the person (by draw) who will decide what the next challenge is.

My Pighead! :wink:

15 people entered the challenge. I call that a success. ~s~ We will be meeting on IRC tonight. Hopefully a few of the artists will share their secrets. If you can’t make it, post your questions here.

Here’s my comments on everyone’s piece.

Slosh, your two piggies are so good. Very real. I love the wet nose on number two.
Ron yours is down right scary. Good, but scary. ~G~ 121 The inside of the ear might be better if it wasn’t the same texture as the head.
MTB, very good cartoon. He looks like he’s be the resident snob in the barnyard.
Houdini and yours would be the jokester. Very cute.
Mentat… well what’s to say? Super good and I want to know how you did those tusks.
Mik, I really liked this one. Very real looking, other than the nostrils being a little big, but that doesn’t take away from the image.
Pusghetty. A really good boar. (Although you did a background… bad boy ~G~) The coloring is really good. I wondered about the two tusks on one side, but I searched high and low for a boar pic so maybe you know something I don’t.
Fouad, every time I look at that one I grin. Like the contagious laughter syndrom. Very nice.
DeeVee You did better than I’d be able to do in 2d. A little bigger and color contrast might have made the first one stand out more.
Aine I just love the look of terror on that one’s face. Can’t wait to see what you do when you learn the rest of the program.
KenH The cigar smoking rich dude… banker. He is priceless ~G~
MrBruan Great cartoon. Looks like someone poked him in the other end ~L~
EZ I’m not sure you wanted to enter this, but it was there so included it. A diamond eye and a ring on top, and it would be a nice charm for a bracelet.
Talos, he looks like a very old pig. He’d be the wise one of the farmyard comedy skit.

Thanks to all who tried the challenge. Next week’s challenge will be announced later tonight.

Hope no one minds me putting them all together. Easier to make comments without missing anyone.

Thx a lot Dlee !! is so sweet :slight_smile:

Thanks for your analisys DLee!

So, what´s the challenge tonight?


I doodled this last week, but I didn’t really intend it for this Challenge. However, I think it fits within the wide range of the interpretations of the Challenge rules.

My Pig -

3D affects, that is one creature I wouldn’t want to run into in the dark ~g~

Jay, super drawing. Fits the theme very well.

Thanks for letting us have a look at all of the images at the same time, fantastic idea. :slight_smile: :warning: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hello all! :wink: :slight_smile:

This thread is so nice…So I put something here! :wink:
A little contribution.


web page

nice work Olivier :slight_smile:
quelle variété de texture!! :slight_smile:
j’adore son attitude!

Great thread!
Here’s a quick rundown of my process:

Time taken:
30 mins
Tools used:
3D Sphere, Fibre brush, Simple brush.
Quick walkthrough:
3D sphere in draw and move mode (symmetry on) to build head.
Eyes are 3D Sphere with toyplastic (black).
Texture on skin added with simple brush, ZAdd on and alphas 2,4,7 and 25.
Fibrebrush with flat colour material, medium RGB and Z intensity, low brush depth and draw size about 30 with alpha 1.
That’s it, cheers.