
MGS Female Cyborg Ninja

Really great work !!!

Dominance War IV | 3D | BARON_3D | Hexeros

This looks really good. I think it’s the hips that’s making her look male. The thinnest point should be just below the ribcage. Then continue out and curve round into the leg. You seem to have a point where it dips into the pelvis before it reaches the legs which is how it is on males. She also has quite big hands. Other than that it looks good :+1:

very great job dude, I like a lot your version of gray fox, is an excelent game and very excelent model that you did…:+1:small_orange_diamond:D:+1:


Thanks everyone for the feedback. I wanted to explain my thinking behind this character while also showing my work flow and wires:

                I wanted to make a unique MGS tribute piece.  I didn't want it to be a girly or cutesy character.
                As "Zubren" already pointed out, this was my main reference - Grey Fox:
                And some concept sketches from Konami:
                Went for a sporty body type, then began modeling the helmet. Squeezed a sphere into shape with the move tool and transparency.  Masked out the areas I wanted to indent using the negative inflate:
                Once I found the look I was after I still had to retopologize the mesh, as it was far too dense in the wrong places:
                I then exported the new topology into Lightwave, hollowed, thickened, detailed and textured it. Test rendered in LW Layout:
                I used the same masking techniques on the body too:
                More detailing:
                Nikolett Barabas for face reference:
                Grey Fox's face was pretty pale and he had one white eye.  In order to fit the face into the helmet I had to pinch the ears back against her head:

Wires - Lightwave. (No ears in the base model since they wouldn’t be seen and I didn’t any extra polys):

                Raidens sword for ref on this:
         Lastly, transposed and rendered in Zbrush.  Final touch ups in photoshop.



Thanks for the background work and insights very useful. I always thought it to be an awesome model, but still think it’s “package” feels a little big.

Man, thanks a lot for the info, really cool!!

Also, I´d like to point out that Olga´s ninja suit in MGS2 is kinda manly too (though she isn´t very feminine herself)

Awesome stuff!


Wonderful work! I wonder why you didn’t go with full helmet? I would’ve liked that better, I believe :slight_smile: The octopus girl from MGS4 didnt need a face to be female, either :slight_smile:

did grey fox have visible toes like that? thats my only crit, or question rather. shouldnt she be wearing some sort of shoe?

so the end result inst a zbrush render or is it ?

I updated the model as per comments and suggestions. I thinned out the waist, tilted the torso more, adjusted the crotch area, calves, shoulder, abs, thinner nose, lense flare, etc… Subtle changes, but I thought it was worth posting.

Its the [first post on page one](http://zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showpost.php?p=560949&postcount=1). Thank you all so much for pointing things out. I really appreciate it.

Really well done. And thanks for the “how to” stuff as well. She only looks a bit like a bloke cause she’s a tank. You cant be a ninja unless you’re an athlete anyway. Superb work.

looking way better :sunglasses: :+1:

atleast if your not trying to fool my eyes by just saying it :laughing: :+1:

Super cool, Seeing as Ninjas are proficient with their feet, I think the toe-socks are cool.
Make her Cyborg eye Green. :smiley:


Loved the colors! thanks for sharing your masking technique, really like it.

Just wanted to mention 3DTotal just awarded me the “3DTotal Excellence Award” and featured my Ninja in their gallery!




nice, but i think the feet need those shoe like ada wong with her red dress has it in resident evil 4, into her ninja suit.

Well deserved! :slight_smile:

Thanks again for all the great comments, and I apologize for not answering individual questions until now:

  • I went back and forth with some different foot/shoe concepts, but in the end I liked picturing that she could tippy toe around in total stealth. Sort of like Mystique from the X-men movies. But I do appreciate the comment and may still revise down the road.
  • Well thank you, thats so nice to hear. I checked it out and I’m looking forward to its completion, let me know!
  • I really do understand why you and others are saying this, but I’m still quite settled with the overall tough girl look on this one. But thanks I appreciate the suggestion.
  • Thank you, once you pointed it out I couldn’t stop seeing it. How do you find it now?
  • Haha thanks, I think the package is all gone now, what do you think?
  • Thank you, I find that the face of a character is everything. With guys like Iron Man or Ghost Rider whose faces are covered I find it difficult to relate to the character.
  • Yes Greyfox had shoes, but as I mentioned before I really liked the kind of stealth that I’d imagine the open toes offer. I appreciate the comment.
  • Yes the final render was in Zbrush, using multiple passes with different materials and combining them in photoshop.
  • Thanks! No fooling here!
  • I know the red dress you speak of, but are you saying she has a ninja suit as well? Or do you just mean the stilettos?

Just a little update for those who are interested: Pixologic has featured my ninja in their turntable gallery (presently on page 3). However I’m not really liking the quality and it always seems to lag, so if you’d like to see a higher quality video of the same, go here.
