

wow. you are a master in your craft. Congratulations!

It is amazing! The detail is so precise. If I was told it was a scan, I would believe it!

Wow is right. This is top row material if ever I saw one. Beautiful job!

great job! :+1:

Amazing detail, skin, hair, clothing really top row material…Hope to see it up there soon
Well done

Great work :+1:

Impressive work. :D:D:D:D:D

Almost feels like a 3D scan. Really amazing work. You must have had to crank the hell out of your maps because the face details show up nice in the render but feel very subtle on the Zbrush model. I’m so use to seeing it the other way around. Keep up the good work!

Awesome work !

wonderful work .impressive :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: top row stuff

damn, thats almost too perfect! i would have bet my hat that this is a scan :slight_smile: congratulations good sir, you achieved realism on the highest level, at least i couldn’t really tell the difference :smiley:

ye! absolutely fantastic. everything is damn well done.


Thanks all of you!Really appreciated!
ad,Derek Frenzo,Intervain,Karthik AL,suresh15,Philuxius,dandan,rasmusW,Thank you so much for
those kind words.
deckard01,Rikk The Gaijin,3mm,pOiNtPuShEr,d100763,SeN_GoD,Really appreciated…!
skinnybonez,Thank you for your encouragement, this all finished in zbrush not scan model
meng007,thank you! bro…

ErnestoBaxter:Thank you for your encouragement,Hair use Max default hair and fur,Finally the vray rendering, did not use the default renderer rendering,The advantage of this is that good and the overall lighting matching, don’t separate play light,I’ll send hair render Settings.

harapuzo:Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement, the most began making sketches I use three spheres, on behalf of the object’s head, chest and legs, then respectively in zbrush in sculpture, dynamesh really is a very useful tool,
Save a lot of production time, improve the work efficiency, once the whole proportional relation sure, I will be in zbrush model to topology, in zbrush a projection function are very useful.
It can make our new topological model inherit the topological model of the high all the details, the key is repeated adjustment between the proportion of all relations, this process is repeated, when model decided after, I began to use in zbrush uvmaster, speed is very fast, and then started to draw the map, the mapping method I mainly use projection and hand-painted way, in addition to the head and hands using this way besides, other all adopt the hand-painted, I also use the zbrush flat material and zrender repeated check my map and model details, make him become more precise in zbrush, and finally to add some day, alpha is in zbrush made in. This process is repeated, need to spend a lot of time to achieve very good effect.
Finally, I put the model to a minimum level, each introduction to Max vray use in testing. Of course lamplight, mapping needs repeated debug can get ideal result, and then I’ll send some of my light setting.

monstermaker:Really appreciated!And thank you so much!!

Mrguy:I will show some texture WIP.

amazing details, like 3d scan

wow, :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome work! :+1:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1: