
Max's sketchbook stuff

Julian K, I’m glad that the long hours of strenuous research watching tens of Popeye shorts are paying off. Gosh, 70 years on it’s still fantastic stuff to watch.

Hoyenigma74, I’m tempted, and they’re not that difficult either, so maybe. On the other hand they may distract from the group and make it a bit cumbersome.

A_HUGHES, thanks a lot, Popeye and Co. are cool indeed.

GX@W, thanks for the encouraging words.

Superhero, thanks a lot, it took me quite a lot to figure out the poses, especially Bluto.

Captain Sensible, Cheers mate, I have been thinking about bringing back Popeye ( as well as another couple of other unfinished business) for quite a while.

Fantastic style ;D love the dragon




Hahaha, I’m not from Egypt but I wish them good luck too.
Hmmm, good luck is always 50/50…
No, I wish them FREEDOM without the influence of gringo’s, islam-extremists or jews! I love Olive!!!


Great Egyptian General ! very actual!:+1:

Hey max! :slight_smile:

Popey looks amazing!! Remember watching it all the time as a kid :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how you have captured Olivia! So anorectic haha.

Havent seen you on cgcoach for a long time btw! They have a totally new website and giving away an IPAD at the moment :eek:

Would love it if you voted for me http://cgcoach.wufoo.com/forms/ipad-giveaway/ :slight_smile:

Cheers mate,

Hi Max! The Popeye project is really great. Their poses are awesome!
I can`t wait to see the next update. :slight_smile:


And then I placed the character together, here's a turntable of them untextured. Now I have to make a proper scene so the arrangenment is likely to change. When I finish them I plan to render them in Modo. [vv]20856419[/vv]

