
Maria Panfilova`s personal works

I really like the idea of the written names, very cool!

This is beyond perfection!!!

…animal! :sunglasses:

Excellent work. :+1:

This is really interesting, I like the style

Beautiful. What I like the most is the subdued color of the muscles and notes on them.

absolutely fantastic work. great idea with the muscle names.


Amazing work Maria!
I’ll be on my way to gumroad before too long :smiley:

Wow, this is an excellent lion ecorche!!!

So amazing!!This is an insane amount of work. I know because a few years ago, I did a detailed cat ecorche and it is extremely slow painful work (unlike for humans where there is endless reference help). Congratulations. It has a beautiful look in the renders - absolutely love the text.

Thanks, everyone!

Hi Guys!
A new zbrush work
A single parent family
Done as usual with zbrush, substance painter and reshift
Hope you like it
ZBrush 2018-07-19 03.26.37.png









you are incredible! I really like your carving sculpt method. I am trying to learn how to do it. It feels like you need to use the right combination of brushes in the right order to get this simple, erratic and easy to the eye result to the fur.

“For the carving effect I used these brushes: clay buildup (with reduced stroke parameter), slash2, damian standart, Orb Cracks.” was a great starting point! Tks!

This is really cool - captures that feeling of wood carving for me. The little parent/child narrative works really well, too. The shifts in colour also add a nice bit of visual interest.

I’m curious about the baking/re-top to get this into Substance Painter. Is it something quick like a ZRemesher, auto-unwrap, and bake with large texture sizes? Or did you have to go in and do some manual work?

Inspiring stuff!

very nice project , i also like the lighting and presentation so much


Love this one! Really nice; thanks for sharing!


Thanks everyone!

Torekrafael, Thanks! You can also check the video process of my similar model - hope it helps https://youtu.be/6ELPBvTmYhQ

mbarrettara, thanks man! I make zremesher, UV with UV master, bake displacement for render and normal map for generators in substance painter
Sometimes I make decimation instead of rendering with displacement (depends on situation) but In any case I texture zremeshed model with normal map baked in zbrush
I made 4 UDIMs for the bodies

Here is how wireframe and UV`s look
ZBrush 2018-07-25 02.02.47.jpg
UV Editor 2018-07-25 02.04.14.png


ZBrush 2018-07-25 02.02.47.jpg

UV Editor 2018-07-25 02.04.14.png

Thanks so much for sharing this process stuff! I’ve been looking for quicker ways to get from sculpt to render for sketchier stuff. This was very helpful :+1:

You have a unique style. Great job!