
long time no post

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:+1: :+1: :+1:

Hey MM, great job as always.
I have not used Modo, but the render looks very cool, I have been making some real headway with Xsi/Mental ray ( hey, it’s exciting to me!).

I’m sorry we didn’t get to lunch, but I was, and will soon be again, in Texas watching the fireworks on the new R.R./Q.T movie!!

Keep posting we all need the push!! Patton

Wow. The Modo render looks great!

Hey thanks everyone.
bicc39, I agree I think the model of my dad is my best I spent more time on it than the others,though I think my Frankenstein’s monster isn’t bad either.
jantim, Modo 201 is cool and easy I haven’t tried maya or xsi maybe some day when I get more time.
lemonnado 201 will be worth the wait the beta version is pretty cool!
crossbones ,I’ve been animating my stuff that is why I’m using LW .I modeled the skull in Modo as well as a bunch of other stuff. And with both apps I like the controll you have over the lights and they both now have sss.
voodoomonkey that is real sss and It was very easy in Modo
Patton, Let’s do lunch when you get back from Texas. Give my regards to RR and QT.
everyone else thanks

wow, excellent lighting, very dramatic. love the eyes too and the sss. perfect all around!

Very cool work. As usual.

I agree thats this is great stuff MM. You are a true artist in every sense of the word, The only thing I Dont agree with is what our hit and run 1 star poster did when he rated this thread a 1star! Whoever he is, he does this on a remarkably consistent basis and seems to pick on those that have been around this forum for quite sometime. I suspect he does this because he is Jealous. Yes Jealous! :smiley: He probably cant even render a Z sphere! In my mind I see this as a 5 star and definitely deserving of the same. I am glad to see you posting again and look forward to future efforts when you have time to indulge and break away from your day to day. I rate this thread a 5! :+1:

( edited: hmm I wonder if I jumped the gun by saying that someone rated this a 1 and I may have mistaken it for one that was close by. Usually when someone rates a thread a 1 all a 5 does is balance it out so its greater than the 1 but less than the 5. Who cares! 5 it is :slight_smile:

Very cool ! I can’t wait to see your animation and lighting come alive in 3D.

You should check out the messiah render, You can now use GUV and AUV tiles for uv mapping without problems. I think you would get much closer results if not exact results to what you have in Zbrush. Check it out when you find the time!

I love the old man. Great wrinkle work under the chin. :+1:

Hey MM,

Nice pic here. :slight_smile:
I’m really looking forward to see the stuff you’ll be able to do with SSS and more complex 3D packages, particulary in different skin tones. On my part, I’ve had problems creating believable human blue skins, so if you try to do your Frankenstein with SSS, I’ll be curious to see the achieved project. :wink:

Good luck exploring those tools !

Bye !

P.S : One small crit thought : In my opinion, old bones should have a bit of translucy in the material, because of the very hollow structure throught light can go.

crossbones ,I curious to give Messiah a go but I can’t get into working on a PC and my PC took a major dump a while back and I haven’t got it up and running yet.
Deviln, I agree with you on the translucency, I tried a couple and they kept looking too waxy. This one is more translucent but I think too wax like.The problem with human blue skins are that humans don’t have blue skin. Any time you try and do a primary color skin it is really hard to make it look good.
Tartan, it is a real shame that people give some really nice work low ratings and screw up the average.I’ve seen some terrific work here with say 13x4 stars and you just know that some jerk gave it one star to screw up their rating.

I agree with you MM, but I’d like to add some thoughts.

About the bones : Hmm… In my opinion, the skull appears to be waxy because of two things. First, the SSS kills a bit of the shadows, mainly the small ones. So all the little shadow details, like pores or cracks, disappear when you use SSS. Bones structure is made of fiber-like cells, and those fibers give a matte, porous, non-smoothed texture.
The other thing is light propagation throught the material. In materials such as wax, gelatin, silicone or whatever, the light can go wherever it wants because the material is even, it is the same everywhere ( this is the reason why teeth can be rendered great with 3D ). In bones, you have opaque material ( bone fibers ) that are also hollow, but this is uneven ; So I guess there’s some areas with more translucy and areas more opaque. I’m no expert at all, but I guess that if I wanted to render some bone material, I would try to do it with a thin SSS material, small propagation radius, and a really big bump map ( or, a tiled one ) with a bit more increased details than normal. I’ll try to do some tests about that, I’m really curious about this matter. :slight_smile:

About the skin colors, I’m sure you must have had to try many times to do this kind of stuff. :slight_smile:
But the thing that bugs me is that you can do great stuff with make-up, by coloring skin even with flashy colors. We also got used to see cartoons characters with particular skin. So why different colors are not working in 3D ? Why is it so difficult to do with ZBrush or other 3D package ? Because of the blood system ? Trying to paint it human-like would make it too human to be believable ? Because of the variations of skintones, some areas with more blood would turn purple, and then humanlike again ?
Or maybe because there’s no one to bring like from inside the non-human appearance ? That would explain a lot, but would be difficult to render throught a single, still 3D picture.

Sorry for all this babbling, but I think those points could be really interesting to discuss. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bye !

Really amateur that last pic :confused: looks like it was made in early 90’s…But keeping in mind that you are learning 3d, not bad at all. But if it was me i would keep these test works for miself.

Monstermaker, I have to say that I was…
Well the last post to me was sad.
This is a forum for learning.
I have yet to see the perfect anything in this world, there’s always someone better, stronger, faster, more talented.
We all know how good you are at your chosen profession.
This forum should not be about why isn’t your work up to par.
This is a new medium for you and with all new mediums there is a
learning curve.
Look how far you’ve come in a year of Zbrushing.
You have every right and should keep posting anything you feel like.
In fact I look forward to seeing many peoples work on this forum for just that reason.
It’s a way for me to say, “OK, I’m not the only one”.
Others are struggling as well.
Don’t listen to the, “amateur”, remark.
The important part is the attempt, then the next one and the one after that.
A wise man once said it’s about the journey not the destination.
Keep going.
Have a great day.
Cesar Dacol Jr.
Aka, The Voodoo Monkey

>>>>> at JFSebastian

I am just kind of curious JFSebastian, I went and did a search on your name and you seem like a remarkably negative person. For you to comment (which you haven’t so this isn’t vindictive on my part} extremely amateurish on My efforts would be fitting because they are. And at least you have the Guts to say whether or not you like something. This is to be admired up to a point but only up to a Point. I want to see something You have done so I can judge the Professionalism or lack of in your own works :slight_smile: So Please show us your art so those of us who are unworthy can see and shed a little :idea: on the subject.


Don’t be sad little monkey I think Davlin is trying to open up a technical discussion rather than trading insults or offence.

Monstermaker, fine work.
I never knew Modo created renders.

p.s Are you testing LW9 there?

:+1: :+1: :+1:

JFS… This pic and it’s depicted technical challenges go beyond the obvious. Nobody who ever tried to create transparency, SSS and or refraction is able to see the challenge. Sorry, you missed that.

PS:Here’s a link to your 6 Oscar amateur:


Luxology decided to let Monstermaker play with the Modo 201 beta which can render and 3d paint rather well from what I saw. Probably because of his amateurisch work… looool sorry could not resist.

…all is vanity :wink:
ps In fact I don’t know the english word for that ? In french it’s a “Vanité”
Philippe Champaigne follow 1645-1650 (1602-1674)




well jfsebastian, it is not your work so as you can’t keep this image for yourself maybe you could keep your comment for yourself?
your comment is not very nice and not helpfull at all, what’s the use?

monstermaker, it’s nice to see you’re going further with 3D, I mean not keeping with zbrush. can’t wait to see your progress. :wink: