
L'Ecorché anatomy app is LIVE!!!

Do you have any plans to bring this to us Android users?

Can anyone tell me if the paid version of the app has muscle names etc?

Michael states on his site he wishes to release android, PC and mac versions of the app.

@Gordon Robb
In the paid version you have the Eaton version of the model that has every muscle with a colour. Each muscle then has 2 or 3 letters on it for its name. If you then press the i button, you then get taken to a list that has all the muscle letters and it’s description. Clicking any of them takes you to some anatomical papers and graphics to show origin, insertion and action.

Got the paid app - its an excellent anatomy work.

One question, is there a way to export the muscle info list? Or is it possible you could email me it? I am finding myself constantly switching back and forward between image and list to identify muscle names.

Hi, Sorry for the delay. Yes. there is a color codes overlay on the Scott Eaton version. Each muscle has a set of initials that correspond with a list of names. In the list you will find the name, insertion, origin, action and skeleton images from Grays Anatomy with the I/O sites.


When did the Android-Version comes out? Or one für pc?

Would LOVE to get one :slight_smile:

I hope the Andriod version will be out by the second quarter of 2013. We have been working hard to get this out ASAP, but there are many unexpeted hurdles that have come up.
If you want you can sign up on the mailing list to get updates at http://www.MD3Dinc.com


Hi, do you expect the android version to be released soon? I’m eager to get my hands on it.


Android is coming very soon. I had hoped for it to be released by now, but it takes time to convert the code. If you want updates you can sign up on my mailing list at http://www.MD3Dinc.com

Great, thanks for the reply. Looking forward to it.