
LANI ( Female Model, in dark lingerie -slight nudity)

:lol: :lol: :lol: I still cannot believe it… absolute killer!

I know I’m just echoing the sentiment already established here, but damn! that’s amazing. I had to take a second and third look just to make sure. Top row indeed! I’m on my way now to watch your tutorial. Thanks for sharing and i hope to see more.

Nice work and very erotic also. Heading over to view your tutorial now. Thanks.

Other shots:

nickz: Thanks so much dude for your kind words : )

gregl: see the attahced image, shows of some other angles ( bits are unfinished ) thanks for your reply here : )

slashpot: Brillinat post, thankyou for that, that made my day. I am glad you liked the image. You speak the truth, I would love to see more artist creat portraits like these of male and female characters and already there are some wonderful pieces of work here at cgtalk. very talented people. The artists and the brains behind ZBRUSH 3 its amazing!

aurick: Thanks! dam I wish I had finished those elbows!

miztli: Thanks!

lawndart: Thankyou I hope you get the tutorial : )

regmonroe: Cheers : )

The community here is great, everyone is so encouraging and kind. Think this will be my new home : )


I N F I N I T Elaniothershotsgd6.jpg



What uncanny valley? Dude you’ve crossed it, and you’re heading into another galaxy.

Top Row :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Lovely, tasteful eroticism.

WOW - AMAZING WORK!!! Where’s the thread over at CGTalk? Which forum is it under? What does that tutorial cost in US Dollars? Thank you for sharing!!!

Later - Mike

My friend, this is an amazing job you’ve done with this model.

Watching the tutorial samples as I write.

A thousand apologies for doubting you, it’s just so DAMN amazing work. It’s just freaking insainely real! You are my new idol! :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent work and congrats on the top row…VERY well diserved!

How burlesque … XD great job on the fishnet

willbrown1: Hey Will, thats a great thing to say! Thankyou for that, I am glad that some people here can see what I was trying to achieve. Realism, nothing more : )

ChillWill Graphix: Hi, I submitted the work in the 3dstills gallery there. If you are interested in how I made this model please check my site through my avatar link : ) I hope you see the tutorial.

Some more detailed sculpt shots from Zbrush. The model has nearly 10 Subtools!




I knew it’s a photo reference…


I have to agree on the uncanny valley comment. I can’t see it. The elbow bend did give it away though. This is the most realistic piece I’ve ever seen.

Without the angles and the mesh, I would have thought it was just another pretty photo but this is some insane work. I am and was actually still kind of skeptical LOL. So nutty.

Great job!!!

Hey Lee, It’s good to hear you say that. CGTalk is all good and fine, but ZBC is the warmest most friendly place to share your work if you ask me. I hope you decide to stick around. :smiley:

Well put Slashpot.

I took a quick look this morning and thought the first image was a reference; had to move on to keep from staring.

Wow, I keep getting blown away at this site.

Great work 8INFITNE8.

Infinate: she’s brilliant! The pose is interesting and the realism is stunning. Great to hear you did that in FPrime… is there a lighting setup to see somewhere? I was looking around for a hair plugin, but if Fiberfactory can do thát, I’ll stop looking. Was it much work to do the hair with it?

Here’s for Zbrush, here’s for Lightwave, and here’s for Infinate:


hey infinite glad to see you posting on another forum i hang out at hehe. congrats on getting your tutorial finished, and website up and running, ill defently be getting a copy of this stuff for sure.

fantastic work on this model her textures, and your lighting and shader work are fantastic

bones and tendons still seem to be your week point on your models, but the way you light and texture them… it almsot doesnt matter. your crawling out of the valley i think, it takes a lot of looking, and a lot of time to be able to tell shes not real. thanks for sharing how it is that you built her too, thats going to help a ton of artists like myself procede to the next level in their work.

great job once again, i cant wait to see what yo ucome up with next.

a male figgure perhaps?

This isnt realistic 3d…its crazy 3d real. Dang! :+1:
My eyes and my brain started a fist fight when I looked at the renders.

You got the hair looking fantastic. Thanks for the tut page. I’ll be sure to check it out. Dig the pose too. Ciao.

Great work as always :wink: love the pose…

I have a Q for you…
did you export Normal maps from ZB to LW? is that working on ZB3? can you please explain the poccess…
Thanks Brother, & great work!!


Can you tell me what the polycount is in ZB? (complete model)